Silly old fool. It's the annual excursion on a rented boat for residents of the old fogies home you live in. Just try not to do what you did last year where you dropped your trousers to moon everybody. Those saggy moons shouldn't even be seen by your worst enemy!
I am enjoying some very nice blueberry yogurt hoping it will calm my stomach.
You talk about mooning, then talk about blueberry, blue moon comes to light, I think you do the mooning don't ya not Dutchy... Go try yoga not yogurt! No don't you'd probably do that naked!~
0 Replies
Tue 22 Oct, 2013 03:07 am
You talk about mooning, then talk about blueberry, blue moon comes to light, I think you do the mooning don't ya not Dutchy... Go try yoga not yogurt! No don't you'd probably do that naked!~
You're rambling on like somebody who is completely plastered Foundy, you didn't even complete your post dummy, and talking about doing yoga naked, are you an exhibitionist?
You only think they're hard to understand because you can't see clearly when they're around and you begin sweating and sucking your thumb while babbling incoherently...wait that's how you always are.
Just ate a most tasty plate of fried tortellini with a side of garlic bread it should make my doctor happy to know I'm eating more.
You would not know what work is you useless git, all you can do is sit on your oversized bronze, eat chips and McDonalds **** and watch chick soapies all day.
My work ethics are perfect, need to be to keep my many companies profitable.
Oh did I miss your birthday and the annual coin bank your Aunt Gert sends you where you move the 3 or 4 coins from 1 bank to another?
I was at the appliance store earlier and am really torn between three different microwave ovens. I wonder should I get the red, the chrome finish or the unit which is in a fake wood finish.
That "appliance store" was Toys R Us, and you really should get the red one, to match the rest of your Playskool Little Chef kitchen, so you can continue to pretend to cook like a grown-up, you pathetic case of arrested development.
My computer glasses just broke and I've got to go out and order a new pair.
Though you like to brag to your friends and family that you have a pair of Google Glasses, the pair that just broke is a $5 pair of knockoff Ray Ban sunglasses with a sharpie pen cap taped over the right lens.
I need to update my resume and Linkedin page in order to indicate that I have conflicts analysis training and experience.
0 Replies
Wed 23 Oct, 2013 12:31 pm
What's the point? You have never held a job so therefore have nothing to put on your resume. And your conflict analysis course was a required anger management course as part of your parole, you loser.
You really mean you're going to visit the nearest Victoria's Secret store so you can fondle ladies panties and bras, to satisfy your sexual fetishes, you warped pervert.
I'm annoyed that Amazon just raised its free minimum shipping charge because the item I want to order won't qualify for free shipping now.
Get real. The item you want to order is out of your price range anyway, as is anything which costs more than a nickel.
Last night the temperatures tumbled and I had left the window open making it somewhat chilly this morning. Hoping the heat gets turned on soon so I can get toasty again.
You actually belong to a Drunken Deadbeats club who sleeps on the beach and bathes in the ocean to get clean because it's free. Since you're always toasted, it's a wonder you losers don't drown.
I have a border collie, a beagle, and a tuxedo cat.