Hey it's Dyslexia! Speaking of commies!
Any republican president is heads and tails above a democrat. Especially the tails part!
Pop tarts are a good entree to serve at a fundraising soiree.
I happen to be a MyWay.com Canadian myself, but I did once cater a cocktail party for Yahoo. Sleep with an asp, eh, so long Cleopatra wannabe. Sure you went to the beach to prepare for the business trip. You must know your propensity for sunburn, and could have a. bought stronger sunscreen, or b. stayed home, and bought stronger sunscreen for the trip, or cover up a bit. Also, I called you a hippie. How can that possibly make me a commie?
Fox News is the best. Canadians learn everything we need to know about Americans from watching it. Airing The Simpsons 20 times a day helps our perspective too.

Well, I can't argue with that. Our American families
are just like the Simpsons!
Sadly, I must head out to work.
Your momma!
Just because you share abed with homer suz, doesnt mean everyone else has to!
why am i here?
probably because you're an obnoxious sado-masochist who enjoys being emotionally tortured!
Gosh, what a dumb question! Probably the dumbest yet!
Homer is a God, and a stud to boot! Mmmm... beer!
Texas? Oh, never mind. I don't mess with you guys!
Buncha backwater inbreds who worship Bush!
Hi ho, hi ho, It's off to work I go.
Good question, nobody asked you to come and nobody wants you. Get out!
Bougainvilleas are beautiful plants.
Clary- What do YOU know about plants? I think that bougainvilleas are gross!
Now cacti, THOSE are beautiful!
Just like you to think cacti are beautiful - ugly, arid, prickly things, maybe you're just projecting your shadow side onto the plants!
Cats are horrible.
Cats are so horrible that you needed to post it twice? In two threads? Sheesh...buy some original thoughts for Christmas.
Cats are horrible.
Egads- The two of you are showing such hostility over cute little pussy cats. May you both be chased down the block by a furious lion!
I am buying each of you a kitten for Christmas!
Good Phoenix, I have a hungry dog.
Now dogs rule.
I like you George Bush, you remind me of when I was young and stupid.
George Bush, don't you know that you're depriving a village some where of an idiot?
I have been trying to participate in this thread but I am such a nice guy I just cant seem to insult anyone, even in jest ..
Okay, then I'll skip your post and let you off the hook. Gautam. Going back to BumbleBeeBoogie's idea about Bush:
Goerge Bush is not an idiot, you are! I hope people never let you take charge of little children, or handle any kind of sharp objects, dullard!
Corporate jobs have the most homey, comfortable work environments. Cubicles are cool, huh?!
Gautam just pretends he is nice. He really is a suck up moocher.
Cubicles are cool! Cells are life-enhancing!! Open plan offices are oh-such-fun!!! What a complete idiot kickycan must be, what warped values he must have. I can only pity him.
Working for money sucks.
Takes one to know one clary. The only reason why cubicles are cool to you is because your circus cell is no bigger.
Next time i see you I will trow some food to you ok.
I always steal candy from babies
Babies are pissing-pooping fools.
I say put a plug in their butts.
Babies should be stealing candy from you, you are such a sucker. And obviously you can't read yet, because my post for you to insult was:
Working for money sucks.