You know what Leo Durocher said about that, "Nice guys finish last"!
Ping Pong is a wonderful game!
Nice, just possibly; guy? hm.
I think gay men are silly to spend a fortune on clothes.
Clary- You're just jealous 'cause Gautam looks better in duds than you!
I went swimming this morning.
Phoenix32890 wrote:You know what Leo Durocher said about that, "Nice guys finish last"!
Just an aside - "guys who finish (or come) last are very popular - if you know what I mean"
Back to insulting
Phoenix32890 wrote:I went swimming this morning.
You left a ring around the lake.
They call me "Mr. Sensitive".
They should call you Mr Up-Himself.
(For Gautam: Why are the English footballers popular in bed? Because they can spend 45 minutes on top and still come second)
I think the death penalty should be brought back in Europe.
<can't argue with that>
Subhumanity! Well, of course YOU Phoenix would be an EXPERT on that. Pre-adolescents are charm personified compared to adolescents!
I want to bump off Saddam Hussein, Robert Mugabe, and any other abuser of power.
Start with whoever gave you a driver's license.
Should I start a career as an underwear model?
Underwear model, I should hope not; consider, if you will, modelling mittens..
Shall I do the laundry?
Please do! I am tired of smelling those skid marks of yours.
When should I go to bed?
Right now, young lady!
Shall I open my mail?
You have mail? Glad to know SOMEBODY writes to you, even if it's only the taxman.
Shall I go to aquaerobics this afternoon?
Tidal wave!!!
I need about 8 more hours of sleep.
You think THAT could reduce the size of those bags under your eyes? Dream on!
I would ban music in public places.
Yeah, but the music masks all the farting and belching.
I love mozzarella cheese!
Your avatar looks as though you were totally covered in strings of it!
I'm going to change my name to Ann Smith
That's a good idea. Now if you could only change your personality.
I'm going to get laid this weekend, if all goes well.
Kicky's going hogging down at the local brew and screw.
I'm going on vacation.
Laid? You? The only way you'd get laid is as a dodo's egg.
I shall make chilli con carne tonight.