It's time to wake up.
HEADS UP:If you don't want to be told why Bernie is the best option for us, and you want to only listen to opinions that side with yours, then feel free to ignore this post. I don't want to waste your time if you're not interested. If you are capable of weighing opinions and facts, and making decisions with unbiased thought, then read on. Thank you.
It’s time to wake up.
This is no time for half measures, safe bets or tip toeing around the issues.
This is the time for putting all our eggs in one basket.
The opportunity has finally presented itself, we’ve been given the choice of a leader who has truly went against the grain of the establishment that opposes us. Bernie Sanders.
Working within the establishment, being opposed himself, he has not backed down, he has not wavered in his opinion just so he could win anything. He fights for what’s right, even if he would most certainly lose.
But he has won before, even against all odds. This time he’s fighting a fight for the big win, and he has the humility and honesty to admit that he needs us to win.
We need to support Bernie to teach the powers that be a LESSON.
That lesson is this:
-We the people have a voice. Bernie is our megaphone and ours alone. He’s not a megaphone for Wall St or the 1%. They’ve had a megaphone made of money and mainstream media for quite some time and we are going to drown out that noise.
-We are not stupid. We will not believe everything on the TV, we have the means and technology to talk to each other now. We can think for ourselves and the only thing on the information menu isn’t just “The News” anymore. We can report to each other, we can write our own news, we can do our own thinking.
-We are the nation. We are the people. We are the 99%. Our majority should command the direction of this country and we’ve seen the direction of the wind for long enough. It’s not going our way and we will change that direction now.
If we don’t support Bernie, we will be allowing the establishmentarian quota to continue on. And believe me people, this is most likely our last chance.
Look at how much liberty we’ve already lost because of how far this travesty has gotten!
-Mass surveillance on each and every one of us. That power is in the hands of a few very irresponsible people with motives of greed and control. People used to stand in the streets, paranoid that this would happen. It’s happening right now. The fact that our nation isn’t outraged or in pandemonium is more insane than the fact we’re being monitored to begin with.
-Systemic racism has always been an incredibly dark stain in our American culture. ALWAYS. We’re only noticing it more so today because of the technologies that allow us to communicate and see each others perspectives far greater than ever before. We have movements making progress and that’s great, but progress is only made when an actual goal is reached. The powers that be like the way things are, and they will continue to impede that progress.
-The separation of Church and State has never been written in stone. But it needs to be. We should not fall to the fluid ideologies of any religion. Religion may be a moral compass, but it can be altered and bent to the will of anyone in power. We need to set it in stone that our nation is a land of many religions, beliefs, and creeds. Religion and law should work separately and both be used in the best interests of spreading human rights and love for one another. The establishment is actively fighting against this every day. Religion is a very useful and influential tool to them. They are the false prophets.
-Social Security, Healthcare and Education should be accessible to all equally and we’re getting there, but they want that undone. There is no detriment to spreading knowledge and health equally. The right to have equal access to education and healthcare leads to equal opportunities for all so they can pursue what makes them happy. But the establishment knows that a dumber, poorer, weaker population can be more easily controlled. They don’t want you to stay healthy, get wealthy or become smarter than them.
-Citizens United gave the wealthy the controls they wanted so that the highest bidder could control the order of government. The few, the wealthy have a louder voice than you and I simply because they have more money. Not because they’re human beings with inalienable rights like it should be, but because they’re wealthy. And what’s worse, their voice matters more. Money corrupts, and it has corrupted our government.
These are only a few examples. There are many more. Bernie represents a choice we have never had before. A choice for a president who stands alongside the people, not from a balcony.
Do you really think Hillary, Trump, Biden or Jeb would do that?
Hillary, who’s biggest funding partners are the 1% that suppresses our voices with the ironically named Citizens United? Hillary, the one who will change her position based on whenever it suits her best? Hillary, the one who speaks in such careful measures, avoiding absolutes so she doesn’t have to commit to anything ("If necessary, I will support a constitutional amendment to undo the Supreme Court's decision in Citizens United.")? Hillary, the one who most certainly would bring us to war?
She opened her campaign announcement event in NYC. She pointed out where the towers fell, she evoked the emotions of 9/11 and reminded us of the fear and vulnerability we felt that day. And she vowed to keep that from happening ever again. Opening her campaign with a message of fear and revenge is very telling.
To lead with fear and anger is the tactic of tyrants and dictators.
This is exactly what Trump is doing. He’s tapping into the surprisingly vast society of racism and xenophobia our nation still has. In the year 2015 no less. Those people are excited because they feel like they’ve finally got a chance for a “tell it like it is” voice in the White House. Problem is, they’re uneducated, they’re isolated and brainwashed. They’re only connected to the information that the media gives them. Non stop, 24/7 Trump TV, now showing TRUMP!
Regarding Biden, there’s 2 things that need to be noticed here. The media, which is controlled by a handful of the wealthy are actively ignoring Bernie. When Bernie releases an action plan or talks about the issues, they’ll mention that moment where he was asked about Hillary. Meanwhile, the media drowns that out with the hope, the mention of Biden possibly running.
Perhaps we should start questioning some things when the media seems to pick a favorite for us, instead of showing more of the man that so many of us have already chosen? The numbers prove it, the sold out crowds, the highest trending topic on the internet proves it. We want Bernie. But the media, which again is controlled by those in power, want Biden. And he’s not even running.
That’s very telling. Not to be cliche but, it’s not too late to open our eyes. But if we deny Bernie our support just because we’re afraid then we will be harming ourselves. Skepticism and fear can be self fulfilling prophecies. Don’t let that get in the way.
They WANT us to be afraid, they WANT us to think the system is rigged against us. The powers that be are PERFECTLY FINE letting you think that your vote doesn’t matter. THEY LOVE VOTER APATHY. They LOVE a compliant citizen.
Don’t stand down. Don’t be afraid. We, the people won’t win with that attitude.
Why Bernie? Because we matter. Because this may be our last chance to do something.
This isn’t about Republicans VS Democrats. The line between red and blue is greyer than ever before. This is about the 99% VS 1%. The people VS Wall St. The workers VS the corporate powers.
A vote for Bernie is one for the people. A vote for any other is to choose to continue with the direction we’ve been headed. Again, look at where we’ve landed and ask yourself how we got here. Did we vote for the wrong leaders? That’s possible. But in reality, we’ve only chosen the options we’ve been given. So it’s not really our faults that we’ve only been able to choose the lesser of two evils for the majority of our time.
This time is different. This time, we have Bernie.
A senator who marches with us and always has for 40 years. A man that has had the right view on the issues since the beginning and has not changed them for anyone else’s favor. A man who will not mingle with the wrong kind, and has not ever exchanged hands for personal benefit. A man who has continued to do the right thing, and doing it again and again even if you are laughed at and shunned by your peers.
Bernie has a strength, a resilience and an integrity that no other candidate has.
Vote for Bernie because this may very well be the last time to choose the candidate that will shake the whole tree instead of just picking the low hanging fruit. Real change will only be had by voting for the candidate that isn’t walking in step with the rest.
We need this. We need Bernie.