Reply Mon 24 Aug, 2015 02:44 pm
@Frank Apisa,
..and get use to me advocating for the position I champion.

You can count on me to continue to point out that your priorities are whack when your arguments call for it.
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 24 Aug, 2015 02:45 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:

..and get use to me advocating for the position I champion.

You can count on me to continue to point out that your priorities are whack when your arguments call for it.

Please do. I am counting on your help!

0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 Aug, 2015 04:54 pm
You're awesome.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 Aug, 2015 04:57 pm
Constantly choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil.

- Jerry Garcia
0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 Aug, 2015 05:15 pm
Max, I'll surprise you by entirely agreeing.

I do have qualms re what happens with congress if and when Bernie is elected, but nothin' like my qualm re if Trump is elected. Then I might need to research Hara-Kiri methods. I've managed not to do that before, of course.

I like Biden and may pick him if it comes to shove, but I need to know more. No, not about gaffes, but re what he thinks.
Reply Mon 24 Aug, 2015 06:08 pm
Biden is easy. As a long term politician, it is easy to vet him. Start here.
Reply Mon 24 Aug, 2015 06:26 pm
Thanks, engineer.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 Aug, 2015 07:38 pm
My eyes blurred, but thanks.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Aug, 2015 01:09 am
You want evil, just elect a republican president and when you start complaining about the 5 or 6 ultra conservative supreme court judges that change the way government is run I am going to remind you how you helped establish a ultra conservative government with your evil bull shyt.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Tue 25 Aug, 2015 07:26 am
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Aug, 2015 10:36 am
Great site. Thanks for the link.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Tue 25 Aug, 2015 01:02 pm
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Tue 25 Aug, 2015 05:02 pm
I'm a Conservative, and this is why I'm voting for Bernie Sanders

Last edited Tue Aug 25, 2015, 12:24 PM - Edit history (1)

Because I believe that in today's climate where the Republicans are anything but conservative(wars, corporate welfare, healthcare, and oil), and Democrats are anything but conservative, that Bernie Sanders proposes less spending, smarter spending, with less tax dollars being spent on all the wrong things. I'll explain below if you'd like to read. Send this to your conservative family members, or rewrite it and regurgitate.

Bernie is conservative on healthcare. Currently this country spends more on healthcare than any other country in the world without even guaranteeing it. This is a result of tax dollars competing to provide care with private health insurance. Private health insurance offers no transparency or oversight and the prices keep skyrocketing to pay off investors, CEOs, overhead, and more, with very little of the actual cost paid going to real health providers like nurses, technicians, and doctors. Sanders national single payer Medicaid would result in us paying LESS while offering better care. Sanders has a fiscally conservative stance on healthcare. Most other countries that offer single payer healthcare like Norway, Sweden, and more offer better care for cheaper. These countries have higher life expectancies, and lower rates of infant mortality. The number one cause of bankruptcy in these countries is not healthcare expenses as it is in the USA. Why is the USA still behind the rest of the world? Sanders is also conservative by letting middle class families conserve more money that would otherwise be spent on healthcare, while making healthcare even cheaper so they're taxed less. Conservative.

Sanders is against foreign intervention, with a long history of voting against military intervention. With one javelin missile($400,000) used to blow up a non threat on the other side of the planet, he realizes we could put 4 kids at home through college and house/feed them in the process as well for the same amount of money. Sanders wants to decrease military spending and the military as a whole, making it smarter and more efficient. Sanders is a conservative in that he wants to conserve resources, spending less tax dollars on the military and using them less. Sanders is a conservative. An original conservative as envisioned by the founding fathers, because any large standing military is a sure sign of tyranny. perpetual warfare is a sign of tyranny.

Sanders voted against the patriot act. He's against the government locking inmates up at the rate we are for non violent crimes. He's against internet surveillance. Sanders opposes the government telling citizens who they can't marry, what contraceptives I can use or when I can choose to have my baby. Sanders is against the government using harmless marijuana users as a source of income and bodies to perpetuate the prison for profit system. By deescalating the war on drugs, by getting the government out of marriage, out of the internet, and our of our bodies, Sanders is a conservative here. He's a social conservative because the government should not be involved in determining what's moral and what's not, only in what's harmful and what's not. The government shouldn't be controlling how people start/run their families. Yes abortion is a key issue, on the flip side so is an issue like second hand tobacco smoke.

(If republicans are so against abortion, why do they want to drop bombs indiscriminately on the other side of the planet? How is perpetual war pro life? How is letting children want for healthcare pro life? What about greener energy so children grow up with less cancer? Getting junk food out of viral marketing to drop obesity? There are hundreds more ways to be pro life that Republicans and Democrats fail to act on, although Republicans are slightly more guilty in this way beyond the desperate push to end abortion. Voting for a candidate to save babies does nothing when babies on the other side of the planet are dying and families are too broke to even care for their babies.)


Senator Sanders opposes corporate welfare. He opposes subsidies for companies that are already breaking records for productivity and profits(), like big oil, automotive, big pharmacy, big banks, and many more. He wants our tax dollars to stop being handed over freely to the rich elite and to stop unfairly being used to ensure the largest corporations in our country are constantly operating despite devastatingly poor decisions and predatory practices. By spending less on corporate welfare and less on welfare for the top 1%, Sanders proves himself to be conservative. By contrast Hillary and all Republicans want to continue this cycle of dropping taxes on corporations that profit heavily off of operating in the USA under our safety net, with companies like Wal-Mart paying starvation wages driving their employees to use tax dollar paid for food stamps. We're literally giving Corporations money and then paying part for half of their labor because they refuse to pay their employees a decent wage all the while profits are soaring higher than ever before and the money all goes to the top. How is this, in any way, just? Don't you remember how Jesus told the rich to give to the poor? Why do so many Christians support the poor giving to the rich? Because that's what's happening. The poor give to the rich. Sanders would save tax dollars and shift the tax burden off the families already drowning in healthcare fees and taxes. He's conservative because he'd drop tax expenditures, and conservative to the middle class because he'd drop the taxes on the middle class.

Sanders wants to demilitarize the police forces, defund them for all the paramilitary gear they have and want more of, to stop the murderers in blue from being outfitted like they're in a war zone. That's a de-escalation. That's conservative. He wants more community oversight to police functions. That's involving the community to do a job instead of hiring corrupt cover up investigators with tax dollars.

He wants to publicly fund colleges. Well, right now college tuition is insanely high, and what government scholarships are given have to compete with prices that are constantly increasing. Letting the government take control of public institutions, taking out all the overhead, dividends, and investors, to see that the money goes to actual educators, would cost less than throwing money at corrupt universities where little of it even gets to the adjunct professor with a PhD making 30 grand a year. Once again, fiscal conservative. By freeing students of crippling, mortgage sized debts, these hard working Americans can spend more, consume more, and contribute more in taxes, using less federal dollars for support, once again a conservative approach to this problem in today's climate. Sanders is conservative.

I'm a conservative in the strictest sense not what Fox News defines as conservative. I believe that when a Republican stands on stage and says he wants to spend more on the military, go to more wars, dictate what's moral, who I can marry, what medicine I can take, that he wants to beef up the police forces and come down hard on crime, that he wants to make oil cheap by subsidizing it, that he's going to build a fence on the border, all while cutting taxes, then that man can in no way be construed as conservative. Spend more, spend even more, spend more, more, more, and more, use the government to control your body, your bedroom, your marriage, and monitor every little thing you do in your life: how anyone believe these things to be conservative mindsets?

In today's political climate, Bernie Sanders is a conservative, because as a whole he's going to be decreasing spending and decreasing government. The rest, will simply be redirected from military to infrastructure, from prisons and subsidies to education, and from stupid expensive corrupt healthcare to smart affordable and cheaper healthcare.

As a finishing argument, the women's small t-shirt from his website is the perfect size to conceal carry a .357 LCR right under the boobs.

So, I'm conservative and this is why I'm voting Bernie Sanders. I really hope this way of thinking can make it to other conservatives, or as this country likes to call them, republicans. Take a hard look at how the Republicans operate. Slash the budget, which creates more debt because it shifts financial burdens to the American people which are already struggling. Give more money to corporations to prey on these struggling families, who make more money to pay off government officials to use government dollars to give corporations more money and more tax cuts. More war. War is expensive. Using the government to dictate morality, ethics, and in many ways to push religion onto the populace in a country that espouses separation of church and state. When the government becomes supportive in policy of one religion, then the freedom of all other religions are violated.

0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Tue 25 Aug, 2015 05:18 pm
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Reply Thu 27 Aug, 2015 10:16 am
Yesterday in South Carolina Bernie was again promising to bring an end to institutional racism.

I think after he clears up that nettlesome little matter, he's going to cure the common cold and eliminate lust from the hearts of men.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Thu 27 Aug, 2015 06:05 pm
Letter of the law first, hearts and minds next.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Fri 28 Aug, 2015 06:06 am
Bernie Sanders’s Small-Beer Donors in the Big Money Casino

As a measure of democracy, one of the more encouraging statistics of the 2016 presidential race is the fact that the average contribution to the long-shot campaign of Senator Bernie Sanders is $31.30. It would be hard to buy any politician for $31.30. That is exactly the message Mr. Sanders intends, in renouncing fat-cat, super PAC campaigning that is turning American politics into an exercise in plutocracy.

Americans of ordinary means have made 400,000 donations — about 80 percent of them were $200 or less — to Mr. Sanders. Contrast that with the appalling fact that fewer than 400 of the nation’s most affluent families, writing six- and seven-figure checks, account for almost half the money raised so far by both parties in the campaign, according to an analysis by The Times.

The Sanders campaign, whatever its fate, has at least established that small-beer donors are alive and well and enthusiastic in America. What they and democracy need as a quid pro quo is a revival of the public financing system that protected politics after the corruption of the Watergate scandals.

As things stand now, the Supreme Court’s disastrous Citizens United decision has grossly boosted the buying power of corporate and special interest donors and made a casino frenzy of the race. The Koch brothers have proudly organized more than 400 of their wealthy allies to create a super war chest of $889 million for Republican candidates. The Jeb Bush campaign, pretending to remain at arm’s length from its supposedly independent super PACs, raised over $100 million so far in big-check donations. Hillary Rodham Clinton, aiming to stay competitive, has raised more than $20 million in super PAC money, much of it from millionaires, even as she pursues small-dollar donations and vows to do something about campaign reform.


0 Replies
Reply Sat 29 Aug, 2015 08:16 am
Senator Sanders, You’re No Barack Obama


"There are clear differences between the Sanders and Obama campaigns. Most obvious is that Obama won 82 percent of the black vote in the 2008 primary,1 while Sanders continues to pick up less than 10 percent of black voters’ support. But the two Clinton campaigns have big differences too. The best data we have — polling, endorsements and fundraising — says Clinton is in a much stronger position now than she was at this point in the 2008 cycle."

Reply Sat 29 Aug, 2015 08:53 am
Bernie Sanders is making a play for African-American support. If he can significantly raise his support among African-Americans, does this change the race?

In my opinion, Hillary Clinton does not deserve the support she is getting. She supported tough on crime laws and policing, and she supported limits on welfare... both of which have had demonstrable effects on minority communities.

Bernie Sanders has the disadvantage of being from the Whitest state in the US, but other than that, his record on racial justice is pretty impressive since his days as a CORE activist in the 1960's. He supports prison reform, he has the strongest racial justice policy of any candidate and he has progressive views on pretty every issue.

I suppose I have three questions.

Is there anything more that Bernie Sanders can do to win the African-American vote?

Is is even possible for Bernie to win the African-American vote?

Do you agree that if Bernie can win significant support from the African-American community, that this would be a major help for him to win primaries.
Reply Sat 29 Aug, 2015 09:48 am
maxdancona wrote:

Bernie Sanders is making a play for African-American support. If he can significantly raise his support among African-Americans, does this change the race?

Yes. I think that's self-evident.

In my opinion, Hillary Clinton does not deserve the support she is getting. She supported tough on crime laws and policing, and she supported limits on welfare... both of which have had demonstrable effects on minority communities.

I understand. I don't speak for all blacks (I missed the meeting when they elected a spokesperson Smile ), but I get why you say she doesn't "deserve" black support.

Bernie Sanders has the disadvantage of being from the Whitest state in the US, but other than that, his record on racial justice is pretty impressive since his days as a CORE activist in the 1960's. He supports prison reform, he has the strongest racial justice policy of any candidate and he has progressive views on pretty every issue.

I suppose I have three questions.

Is there anything more that Bernie Sanders can do to win the African-American vote?

When they are able to go more head-to-head in their campaigning and voters are able to get an easier side by side look, I'd say that he should accentuate the contrasts to Clinton that favor him.

Is is even possible for Bernie to win the African-American vote?

I guess anything's possible.

Do you agree that if Bernie can win significant support from the African-American community, that this would be a major help for him to win primaries.

I think of course it would.

Listen, I get the frustration of Bernie's white liberal supporters when they say blacks should vote for Bernie if they know what's good for them. His record on coming down on the right side of human rights and civil rights questions is impressive. But here's the thing - and there's no way around it. this race will not be about what have you done, but about what have you done lately. Clinton has apologized profusely about her involvement with the punitive policies on the poor and minorities of her husband's administration. She has adopted 'evolved' stances on justice system policy, on gay rights policy, on economic policy. My own viewpoint is that even though it is distasteful the way politicians shift their opinions out of expediency, voting is a matter of expediency. Who can best serve my needs. I think Clinton's need to please a big swath of blacks will speak to how she governs, not just how she talks. And I think she is more likely than anyone else running to even get in office to try.

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