I am so grateful for friends like you. Thank you for supporting me. I just want you to know that I'm aware that some people will actually doubt my sincerity - and even more others will feign doubt to attempt to manipulate my position. Neither bothers me.
I've always thought that people who give me the benefit of the doubt are true friends - people I'm lucky to have in my life - whether they agree with me or disagree vehemently. People who would accuse me of lying don't know me, and therefore their opinions of me have no meaning.
Since my beliefs have taken such a violent twitch and you are still the guy I've always liked and appreciated, and you still know what you know - I am as I said but can't over-emphasize - grateful. What do you think Dys would say about Bernie? I think about it all the time.

I still feel such a link to him through you. One more awesome Rog fact.