This is more "interesting" observation about Bernie...lately:
From Daily Kos:
The speech was mostly good. There were bad moments, but he was having a pretty bad night electorally, and we now have learned that he heard about the Politico article of his own staff throwing him under the bus shortly before he hit the stage. His crowd booed the mention of Hillary Clinton’s name, and he probably didn’t do enough to stop it, but these kinds of wounds take time to heal.
And then there were the chants of “BERNIE OR BUST!” coming from some in the audience. In the past I’ve seen him smile, wait for the chants to die down, laugh a bit. He didn’t seem to do that last night. From my perspective, I thought he was realizing how much damage he had done by helping foster that sentiment. I thought it seemed like he was preparing to do the right thing.
Apparently I was wrong.
Maybe I saw what I wanted to see in his speech last night. I thought he was turning the corner, was preparing to show some class and integrity. Maybe not.
I hoped he was the honest, good, decent man I thought he was before he ran for President. If his campaign is now touting Bernie or Bust on their website and in their press releases, he is none of those things.
If this is the path he chooses, he is the bitter megalomaniac depicted in the Politico article, and he needs to be stopped. I still have hope he does the right thing.
The first thing he needs to do is to strongly denounce the pathetic and anti-progressive whiners in the “Bernie or Bust” fringe. Embracing them today is a step in exactly the wrong direction.