Lash wrote:
You don't go to a cancer walk-a-thon and ask them why they aren't raising money for AIDS research. This is cancer.
So discrimination against males is OK. So discrimination against whites is ok.
You set a demand for behavior and you say that it applies to everyone equally, members of groups dont get a pass an account of the group victim story they tell. That is the only way forwards out of our historical racism. That is the only road that is just.
"black lives matter" promotes racism. The proof is in the name. It is wrong, I will not be a part of it. I will chant "black lives matter" only if/when black and brown people are chanting "white lives matter".
And sexual abuse of males is every bit as bad as sexual abuse of females, and it happens plenty, I will not humor the feminists and keep quiet about their sexism, about their lack of regard for males.
Hillary was right, but she will never make a stand for what is right. Any day now she will be chanting "black lives matter", which will be another bullet point on why I will not cast a vote for her.