I have always been open to alternatives to Hillary Clinton. I like Sanders the more I hear from him. I never heard his name before the last couple months so I had a bit to catch up on.
However, I still doubt he will get the democratic primary nomination primarily because he hasn't broken through to minorities. Personally if I was a betting person, I would bet he don't break through.
I'm not sure at this point who will win the next Presidential election, naturally I will vote democrat no matter who wins. In my state, I haven't decided, I go every which way. I might vote for Sanders as I live in KY and it really don't matter who I vote for, it is going to go republican for the President.
One thing I think without much doubt at all, Hillary is not too different than republicans and I think she will run it even more to the center than Bill did and a whole lot more than Obama does which is why I lean more every day towards Bernie Sanders.