Reply Tue 21 Jul, 2015 03:12 pm
You are on to it, now. Name recognition is our issue - and it's the only one most of us are concerned about. His credentials with the black community, brown, gay, anyone who is considered a minority will be happy as a pig in **** when they hear what he's already done for them - and plans to do in office.

Name recognition.

Be a part of it. Read about him and his policies. Tell your friends. Smile

An enormous community organizing event is planned for July ...31? 30? People are opening their homes and meeting in bars and odd places to watch a streaming message from The Bern. Then, we go into the street and handle this name recog thing. Smile
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Jul, 2015 03:18 pm
What were you referring to at that writing, edgar? Trump's popularity? It was higher for a while, but after his McCain remark, he's fallen off. I have a feeling he'll continue to fall. He's not even a legit R. Now, Kasich has entered thinking things look weak enough that he has a chance.

What do you think of these recent events?
Reply Tue 21 Jul, 2015 03:21 pm
I don't think so. Here's Bern meeting with organized fast food workers in NC. He marched with them last year.
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Reply Tue 21 Jul, 2015 03:23 pm
@Frank Apisa,
You are asking us to stop talking about Bernie on the Bernie thread.
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 21 Jul, 2015 03:37 pm
Lash wrote:

You are asking us to stop talking about Bernie on the Bernie thread.

Where have I ever done that, Lash?


I never would.

But Edgar seem to tell me in thread after thread that my remarks are not welcome there. He did it in the threads with "atheist" in the title...and now he is doing it in the political threads.

I will matter that anyone thinks my comments are not helpful...or reasonable.

I think they are.

Pushing Sanders for the top of the ticket IS a recipe for disaster for the Democrats...and by extension for a progressive agenda.

I understand that you cannot see that yet (perhaps I have not been persistent enough yet), but at some point, it will become clear.
Reply Tue 21 Jul, 2015 03:39 pm
We're already calling the billionaire elite your majesty.
The damage to our country has already been done. Every person running is already entrenched and taking disgusting amounts of money from oligarchs in trade for creating and strengthening laws that help them to avoid taxes - so our poor become poorer paying for the business of this nation while the ultra-wealthy become even richer.

The only one who hasn't taken their money - and who has railed from the rooftops about this problem for 40 years - and who has a consistent record of voting for vets, blacks, women, gays and the other minorites - is Bernie Sanders.

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Reply Tue 21 Jul, 2015 03:47 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Frank said
Why don't you people stop touting him?

I don't understand why anyone would come to a thread and in effect tell people to stop talking about the thread topic.
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 21 Jul, 2015 03:54 pm
Lash wrote:

Frank said
Why don't you people stop touting him?

I don't understand why anyone would come to a thread and in effect tell people to stop talking about the thread topic.

Talk about him all you want.

I do. I am here talking about I not?

I am not asking you to stop talking about him...I am asking you to stop touting him...because suggesting that someone do that is like suggesting they commit political suicide.

(I thought I had mentioned that somewhere. In fact, I thought I had mentioned that several times. And Edgar keeps telling me to stop doing it over and over! Go figure!)

Anyway...I am not telling you not to talk about him. I'm suggesting you talk about him a lot...mentioning that he is a great man who speaks the language we want to hear...but warning that moving him to the ticket is a danger to progress...not a help.
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Reply Tue 21 Jul, 2015 04:45 pm
Lash wrote:

What were you referring to at that writing, edgar? Trump's popularity? It was higher for a while, but after his McCain remark, he's fallen off. I have a feeling he'll continue to fall. He's not even a legit R. Now, Kasich has entered thinking things look weak enough that he has a chance.

What do you think of these recent events?

I was referring to the fact that even the Democrats in Washington are barely putting a brake on the Republican agenda.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Jul, 2015 04:47 pm
Lash wrote:

What were you referring to at that writing, edgar? Trump's popularity? It was higher for a while, but after his McCain remark, he's fallen off. I have a feeling he'll continue to fall. He's not even a legit R. Now, Kasich has entered thinking things look weak enough that he has a chance.

What do you think of these recent events?

I've stated elsewhere on able2know that I think Bush is the likely Republican nominee. Trump will burn out like an unattached fuse.
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Reply Tue 21 Jul, 2015 04:51 pm
I managed to not reply, hard for me.

I don't think Rabel meant it the way his sentence turned out.

So, I'm slow to learn what being a progressive means.
Anyone have a clue?
Reply Tue 21 Jul, 2015 04:57 pm
Nobody knows. i think whoever was trying to slice hairs earlier and acted like they knew of a tiny difference between liberal and progressive were being goofy.

I think progressive was some useful invention of someone who chafed at the recent, negative connotation of liberal.

I mean, progressive is moving forward.
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 21 Jul, 2015 04:59 pm
Progressive and liberal are about the same thing, Ossobuco, except that the conservatives of America have not managed to make the word "progressive" the disgusting word they have managed to make "liberal" seem.

A progressive agenda is one that will protect and expand safety net programs...the ones the Republicans want to cut so that they can give larger tax breaks to the very wealthy.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 21 Jul, 2015 05:01 pm
Oops, this was posted while I was composing my response to Ossobuco.

I agree with you here, Lash.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Jul, 2015 05:11 pm
I think that if Sanders does win, all hell will break loose and that may be a good thing, or, of course, a bad thing.

At this point, I like his being heard. As I intimated, something I read (I don't do tv) sounded a bit demogoggy and I don't like that, but, I don't remember what it was, just a flash; I get why, he is a good speaker with a crowd, as have many been before.

I don't want a new lord. On the other hand, I tend to agree with him.
Whereas Hillary Clinton shivers my timbers.

Reply Tue 21 Jul, 2015 06:39 pm
It will either be a revolution or a riot that gets squelched.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Jul, 2015 08:29 pm

The Bernie Sanders surge, in other words, has a lot more to do with Bernie Sanders than with Hillary Clinton. More specifically, it has to do with his left-populist politics. We’re going to break some news here: It turns out that some Democrats are really liberal, and they like a really liberal candidate like Sanders.

Right now, Sanders is winning about half the support of white liberal Democrats, but little support from other groups within the party. That works out to around 25 or 30 percent of the vote in Iowa and New Hampshire but more like 15 percent among Democrats nationally.

It’s possible that Sanders’s standing will continue to improve. If he goes from winning half of the white liberal vote to most of it, he could win Iowa and New Hampshire, though not very many other states.

But he could also encounter some headwinds. Sanders’s name recognition is now 70 to 80 percent in Iowa and New Hampshire, so he doesn’t have that much more room to grow on the basis of improved name recognition alone. And while he’s an appealing choice to some very liberal Democrats, Democrats who describe themselves as “somewhat liberal” may instead prefer Clinton. The policy differences between the Democrats aren’t all that profound; Clinton is pretty liberal herself, and she and Sanders voted together 93 percent of the time in the two years they spent in the Senate together.


Ordinarily, Democrats might push back against what they perceived to be unfair or inaccurate coverage about Clinton. But Democratic activists and commentators are more liberal than Democrats as a whole. Many of them like Sanders’s policy positions — and even though they may also like Clinton, they’d like to see her pulled further to the left before the general election gets underway.


There isn’t much of a market among Democrats for an “anybody but Hillary” candidate, in other words. And it’s particularly illogical to argue that Biden might serve as a better foil to Sanders. Biden has lower favorable ratings and higher unfavorable ratings than Clinton and by statistical measures is further to the right.

lots more interesting analysis at the link
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Jul, 2015 08:41 pm
I don't think I have many illusions, but there are key positions Bernie has taken that are not the same as Clinton's. She has not spoken out about the trade bill recently passed, even when pressed about it. Bernie is four square agin it. There are more, but I don't have all the info at hand just now.
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Reply Tue 21 Jul, 2015 08:46 pm

many of the ever-popular Venn diagrams here Very Happy

one starter and then one for each of the four early primary states

interesting analysis
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Jul, 2015 08:51 pm
Bernie Sanders is backing a bill to break up big banks after advisers to presidential rival Hillary Clinton made clear earlier this week she will not support reinstating the Glass-Steagall Act.
Noting that he’s long supported reimposing a firewall between investment and commercial banks, the Vermont senator said he’s officially rejoining an effort led by Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.) to break up the big banks, saying, “If we are truly serious about ending too big to fail, we have got to break up the largest financial institutions in this country.”
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“Allowing commercial banks to merge with investment banks and insurance companies in 1999 was a huge mistake. It precipitated the largest taxpayer bailout in the history of the world. It caused millions of Americans to lose their jobs, homes, life savings and ability to send their kids to college,” said Sanders, who said that change in the financial world “substantially increased wealth and income inequality.”
Earlier this week, a Clinton campaign adviser told Reuters that “you’re not going to see Glass-Steagall.” Clinton was also interrupted by a heckler on Monday who challenged her to revive the depression-era policy, though she did not answer the question.
By moving quickly to reassert his support for a proposal from liberal superstar Warren, Sanders is highlighting the differences between his platform and Clinton’s more centrist positions on financial regulations, a major issue among progressives. Sanders actually cosponsored a version of the bill in 2013, well before he began challenging Clinton for the Democratic nomination, and in a press release reminded reporters of a speech he gave in 1999 as a House member.

Read more:
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