Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2016 02:55 pm
Her bad mojo against Syracuse was conjured when she, with great malice of forethought, plotted to rob Bernie once again of some name recognition by trying to schedule a debate when virtually no one would be watching.

“Unfortunately, the dates and venues she has proposed don’t make a whole lot of sense,” Sanders spokesman Michael Briggs shot back in a statement. “The idea that they want a debate in New York on a night of the NCAA finals—with Syracuse in the tournament no less—is ludicrous. We have proposed other dates which they have rejected. We hope we can reach agreement in the near future.”

Syracuse is one of the schools competing in the March Madness Final Four games on Saturday. The winners will advance to Monday’s championship game.


I expect her to start growing horns and a tail any day.
Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2016 03:07 pm
Hillary, former New York Senator, had the mojo to carry Syracuse to the Final Four despite not having that strong a team overall. Sanders' mojo couldn't even get Vermont into the tournament. It's a prime example of how Hillary leads but Sanders can't cut the mojo.
Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2016 03:09 pm
(pats blickers poor head) I can see you have no understanding of mojo. Are you European?
Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2016 03:13 pm
Reading the latest Robert Reich gushing adulation of Sanders above.

The Berniebots would be kind of cute if they weren't so cult-y. They make these 'Bernie is the only one who can save us!' pronouncements without a hint of irony.

They make these starry eyed proclamations about a 74 year old politician - the longest serving independent congressman in American History - as if he's some kind of other-worldly messenger, unsullied by the machinations of mortal pols, come to bring us the truth.

They don't ascribe any ego or ambition to Bernie, oh no. All his motives are pure, all his plans are inspired. All that politics stuff - well, that's just Hillary and the establishment being crooked and mean.

It's kind of an amazing phenomenon (and it would also be kind of pitiful, except for the cocksure way they guzzle their koolaid and proclaim it to be manna). Those that want to jump up and say this is the same kind of thing we said about Obama, I beg to differ. I was as big a proponent for Obama as anyone on A2K. But I defy ANYONE to find anything back then that looks like the 'Obama or bust', or 'He has come to lead the revolution' type of rhetoric we see with the bernaholics.

Nope, these berniacs are special. So, so special.
And if Bernie loses the nomination, I hope some of them can channel some of that specialness into something productive like insuring Trump or Cruz isn't given a seat of power.

reasoning logic
Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2016 03:37 pm
Do you think that maybe you and I both could be wrong and that Chris could be closer to a better working model of reality?

Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2016 03:45 pm
@reasoning logic,
reasoning logic wrote:

Do you think that maybe you and I both could be wrong and that Chris could be closer to a better working model of reality?


Never said Bernie's ideals aren't good. They're IDEALS. Jesus. I want all men to live in peace. You think THAT's a working model, too?
Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2016 03:47 pm
@reasoning logic,
...but despite how much we spend on war, the Military Industrial Complex, et al - people are fooled into believing we can't afford education for our young people, healthcare, or decent care for our veterans.

It's maddening that people are so conditioned to make this argument for the oligarchs in power.

Reasoning Logic. Thank you for that video.

reasoning logic
Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2016 03:51 pm
I want all men to live in peace.

You think THAT's a working model, too?

I wish it was but I am sad to say there may never be such a utopia but that is no reason for us to stop dreaming of world peace.
Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2016 03:52 pm
@reasoning logic,
reasoning logic wrote:

I want all men to live in peace.

You think THAT's a working model, too?

I wish it was but I am sad to say there may never be such a utopia but that is no reason for us to stop dreaming of world peace.

I dream alot. Like superhero movies, too. It's not the way I decide how to vote.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2016 04:01 pm
Like Snood said, we like world peace too, but it ain't going to happen any time soon. I hope we get out of the some of the places in the world we are currently in, if we do, then perhaps we could talk about some form of free higher education for those who need it (not everyone needs it) and perhaps we can expand on the health care we got rather than simply scrapping it all together the way Sanders wants to. I have read his past health care plan, so do not suggest it again. It is risky and illogical and costly. There have been studies done on it, google it. Moreover, almost half the country does not want the government giving free stuff to people and they want more wars and not less so that means they will be voting conservatives into congress which means Bernie will not get the revolution he claims is going to enable him to bring about these sweeping changes he wants. The reason Sanders is impractical is because it is all or nothing for him, he doesn't seem to have any compromises in mind to work with the other half population and congress. There doesn't seem to be a middle ground for him which is probably why he never accomplished much in congress.
Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2016 04:05 pm
Sanders holds edge in Wisconsin; Clinton leads in New York

Sanders needs to win more than what the poll suggests he will win in Wisconsin and he will not win in NY.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2016 04:08 pm
A scrappy Sanders campaign narrows the delegate count six weeks after the caucuses
Source: Washington Post

In another sign of the fight left in Bernie Sanders’s campaign, the Democratic presidential hopeful appears to have picked up a couple of delegates in Nevada, a state where Hillary Clinton was declared the winner on Feb. 20.

Clinton emerged on caucus day with a lead of 20 to 15 in statewide delegates. According to multiple reports, that margin has narrowed to 18 to 17 after a second round in the process, known as the county conventions, which took place Saturday.

Sanders’s supporters flooded the largest of those, in Clark County, where Las Vegas is located. As a result of his organizational muscle and some complicated rules, the senator from Vermont managed to garner more support there than Clinton, despite her edge on Feb. 20. Sanders also reportedly outperformed his Feb. 20 showing in other counties.

The upshot is that Sanders picked up some of the dozen delegates who were considered unbound during Saturday’s conventions, the rules of which were the source of a good deal of controversy among Clinton and Sanders partisans even before the events began.

Read more:

So Sanders has not taken the lead -- as is confirmed here by Jon Ralson, and Fallon. Weaver says Sanders has "at least narrowed the gap to one delegate."
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2016 04:44 pm
The reason Sanders is impractical is because it is all or nothing for him, he doesn't seem to have any compromises in mind to work with the other half population and congress. There doesn't seem to be a middle ground for him which is probably why he never accomplished much in congress.

Personally I have walked away with a different view point but I do have an understanding of sociology, there for I can see how many of his supporters will not be voting if Hillary wins primary, they may just give up hope but many republicans will do the same if they do not get the person they would like to see in the general.

I seen an interview with Jane sanders where she said that Bernie would back Hillary if he were to lose but I could not find it to share,

Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2016 04:48 pm
I know more about mojo than you know about pretending not to be conservative.
Hilary's got the mojo this year. Sanders has the kids and the ones who have bought the Republicans' despair that government can't work.
Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2016 04:57 pm
revelette2 wrote:

Like Snood said, we like world peace too, but it ain't going to happen any time soon.

Lash wrote:

It will NEVER happen if that's the attitude of the prevailing populace. Here's hoping the you and the rest of the naysayers are in the minority.

revelette2 wrote:

I hope we get out of the some of the places in the world we are currently in, if we do, then perhaps we could talk about some form of free higher education for those who need it (not everyone needs it) and perhaps we can expand on the health care we got rather than simply scrapping it all together the way Sanders wants to. I have read his past health care plan, so do not suggest it again. It is risky and illogical and costly.

Lash wrote:

Hope all you like, and hope will get you the same place a vote for Hillary will get you - nowhere.
With Clinton, you don't know what will happen because she is a prolific and well-established liar with no intention of carrying out promises. That hasn't been the case with Bernie. He has a proven track record of commitment to veterans, women, children, blacks, healthcare, a higher minimum wage etc.

WE CAN GET OUT of "places in the world we are currently in," and people don't have to die waiting for chemotherapy in the meantime. Since when did you abdicate your role in voting out those who leave us prey and voting for those who say we CAN do it and here's how? By the way, since you did such a crappy job of it the first time, I suggest YOU READ BERNIE'S HEALTHCARE PLAN. He is NOT "simply scrapping it all together [sic]," he is EXPANDING it.

revelette2 wrote:

Moreover, almost half the country does not want the government giving free stuff to people and they want more wars and not less

And you're going to make sure the assholes get what they want? Are you one of them? Do you hate the idea of children being able to go to the doctor? Do you hate an old woman being able to eat healthy food instead of cat food?

This is not free stuff. We've paid for it all. We can either have the ability to destroy the world fifty times over - or have the ability to destroy the world 25 times over plus healthcare and education for our citizens. You fear-mongering haters need to get your heads out of your asses. It's YOU who don't want "people" to "get free stuff," isn't it?

revelette2 wrote:

The reason Sanders is impractical is because it is all or nothing for him, he doesn't seem to have any compromises in mind to work with the other half population and congress. There doesn't seem to be a middle ground for him which is probably why he never accomplished much in congress.

You talk a lot, but know so little.
He's accomplished as much if not more than anyone else in Congress exactly because he does know how to compromise.

You should know a bit before you make claims.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2016 05:04 pm
It's ok with me if you're a conservative, but you shouldn't hide out like you're a liberal, and try to deflect that obvious conservatism by trying to project your deception onto me.

Hillary Clinton is a dyed-in-the-wool conservative. She has been on the wrong side of too many issues for most of her life. It's no secret.

No real liberal would support her.

She's anti-environment, very hawkish, anti-minority. There's no hiding it. There's no hiding your Clinton Conservatism.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2016 05:13 pm
Nobody expects world peace anytime soon, but electing a candidate as warlike as Dick Cheney is not going to exactly make it any better.
Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2016 05:23 pm
@reasoning logic,
reasoning logic wrote:

The reason Sanders is impractical is because it is all or nothing for him, he doesn't seem to have any compromises in mind to work with the other half population and congress. There doesn't seem to be a middle ground for him which is probably why he never accomplished much in congress.

Personally I have walked away with a different view point but I do have an understanding of sociology, there for I can see how many of his supporters will not be voting if Hillary wins primary, they may just give up hope but many republicans will do the same if they do not get the person they would like to see in the general.

I seen an interview with Jane sanders where she said that Bernie would back Hillary if he were to lose but I could not find it to share,

I don't doubt -have never doubted- that Bernie will support Hillary if he loses to her. That's kind of expected, and he would look like a big shitheel if he didn't.
To me, it's all a matter of degree. On one end of the spectrum, He could just offer up a half-hearted, perfunctory, canned statement of his support. He could then just regurgitate the statement whenever he was forced to comment. He could offer this tepid support after drawing out a primary campaign long past when he had lost it; a primary campaign in which he could continue to escalate attacks on Hillary - attacks that will weaken her in a general election.

On the other end of the spectrum, he could give the kind of support to her that Hillary gave to Obama, starting on the first night that she realized that she lost. He could give a passionate speech about the crucial need for his followers to now turn their support to Hillary. He could urge his wife and all his surrogates to be as enthusiastic as possible in their support, knowing that the press will be attentive to just exactly what is the nature of the Sanders camp's support for Hillary. He could offer this stellar support after showing the honor and integrity of stopping the damaging attacks on Hillary as soon as he is clearly not going to beat her.

The WAY Bernie chooses to show his support for Hillary will give a signal to any of his followers who will be waiting to see Bernie's attitude.

So, yeah. I don't think anyone doubts Bernie will eventually support Hillary if she beats him. It's just a matter of the way he does it.
Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2016 05:37 pm
I'm sorry to see a kumquat, that is my word, thumb down posters here.

I listen, even if I disagree.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2016 05:38 pm
edgarblythe wrote:

Nobody expects world peace anytime soon, but electing a candidate as warlike as Dick Cheney is not going to exactly make it any better.

You may as well use Hitler or Pol Pot to make your disingenuous point.

Dick Cheney still continues to lie about Iraq after the whole rest of the world knows better. Dick Cheney still thinks "enhanced interrogation" is a swell idea. Dick Cheney is a black hearted war criminal who was probably the architect of elective wars with malice aforethought. It had no teeth, but Cheney, Bush and his legal advisors were tried and convicted in absentia by a 5 person war crimes panel in Malaysia for cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment of enemy combatants.

Hillary has cast some questionable votes, most notably her vote to allow Bush leeway to go to war in Iraq.

You don't make your argument stronger or yourself appear more reasonable when you make comparisons like that. I wish you could disagree with Hillary without demonizing her. It's below you.
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