Reply Sat 12 Mar, 2016 12:00 pm
I was very proud of the students, standing up for those among us who are being targeted by Trump.
Reply Sat 12 Mar, 2016 12:20 pm
The ugly brawl did nobody any favors from any side, the violence was inexcusable from both protestors and supporters of Trump. Worst of all, it dragged down the protestors down to the level of Trump and his hateful bigoted supporters. I blame Trump for creating and encouraging the ugliness and violence of his rallies which led to the violence yesterday. Bernie needs to condemn the violence as well. I don't know if he has yet.
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 12 Mar, 2016 12:25 pm
I agree. Trump instigated the brawl by his rhetoric. He's not qualified to be our president or any CEO of any company. He's prone to saying the wrong things, and he has shown he's a racial bigot. White supremacy lives! NOT
0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 Mar, 2016 01:03 pm
I think the precipitating things were two clips shown on the news and on the internet. First was the one black protestor who was punched by a white guy as he was pushed up the stairs, a real sucker punch. The white guy was arrested.

The second was that black girl who repeatedly pushed, over and over, all the way up a ramp by some white white-haired guy wearing a military uniform. It wasn't one push-it was about 20 pushes all the way up the ramp.

These clips made black people and others who agree with them show up in force at this inner city campus to let people know, "Try that crap with ME and find out what happens to you". Why Trump decided to hold this rally in such an inner city college is open to question.

And yes, my sympathy is with the protestors. These Trump crowds had been getting away with murder for weeks.

Here is the video of one of the mentioned incidents:

And here is the other:
0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 Mar, 2016 01:56 pm
You see from a skewed perspective. I know you alluded to voting for a Republican a few weeks ago. I didn't say anything then because it's your right. I voted for Republicans previously...

But anyone who thinks the protesters are equally to blame as Trump and his crazed racist goons at those rallies is called in to question to me.

The protesters are certainly NOT as culpable.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 Mar, 2016 01:57 pm

Bernie stuck up for the right thing and did what we all should do - call TRUMP to stop his incitement to violence and tell his people unequivocally to stop attacking minorities at his effing KKK rallies.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 Mar, 2016 05:23 am
Corbyn, Bernie, and the hysterical establishment meltdown.
Reply Sun 13 Mar, 2016 08:24 am
SNL’s Larry David Mocks Bernie Sanders: “I Love My Supporters, But They’re Too Much, Right?”

In more important news, the night brought the return once again of Larry David as Bernie Sanders, celebrating his big upset win in Michigan. “I want to thank everyone who voted for me, and apologize to everyone else for making your Facebook feeds so, so annoying,” Sanders said. “I mean, I love my supporters, but they’re too much, right?”
“I’m great, but I’m not five posts a day great,” Sanders said. With all due respect, he told his supporters to “get a life.”

“My message is resonating with a very diverse group of white people,” Sanders added, saying the young people love him because he reminds them of themselves. “I have a lot of big plans, and absolutely no idea how to achieve them.”
0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 Mar, 2016 01:16 pm
Corbyn is not the same as Sanders. As always you've shown how little you understand of politics this side of the pond. For a start he's a good old fashioned Socialist, and like me he probably finds the term "Democratic Socialist" quite offensive. You don't describe people as "Democratic Liberal" or "Democratic Conservative" so why do you have to do it with Socialism? It's almost like you're embarrassed about Socialism. Socialism is by its very nature Democratic and anyone who feels the need to qualify the term does not understand what Socialism really is. It reminds me of the way despotic regimes use the word, like the Democratic People's Republic of Korea or the German Democratic Republic. In short it's undemocratic and suspect.

Corbyn would never have any time for someone who voted twice for George W Bush For someone full of praise for the perpetrators of violence at Trump's rallies, who, like Trump, is trying to pin the blame on/give credit to Sanders' supporters, while Sanders himself is doing his best to distance himself from the violence.
Reply Sun 13 Mar, 2016 01:42 pm
An excerpt from the article by Glenn Greenwald:

The British political and media establishment incrementally lost its collective mind over the election of Jeremy Corbyn as leader of the country’s Labour Party, and its unraveling and implosion show no signs of receding yet. Bernie Sanders is nowhere near as radical as Corbyn; they are not even in the same universe. But, especially on economic issues, Sanders is a more fundamental, systemic critic than the oligarchical power centers are willing to tolerate, and his rejection of corporate dominance over politics, and corporate support for his campaigns, is particularly menacing. He is thus regarded as America’s version of a far-left extremist, threatening establishment power.

It's a fun read. So many correlations between the two!!
Reply Sun 13 Mar, 2016 01:45 pm
Please tell me, what do you think are the odds that Bernie wins the nomination?
Reply Sun 13 Mar, 2016 01:55 pm
He has a great chance. It gets better every day.
Reply Sun 13 Mar, 2016 02:27 pm
He needs to beat Clinton 54%-46% (or more) in EVERY remaining primary to take the lead in pledged delegates (ignoring super delegates).

What are the odds do you think of THAT happening?
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 13 Mar, 2016 03:53 pm
Share this with all your friends voting for Hillary Clinton, "Especially black voters!

cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 13 Mar, 2016 03:56 pm
@reasoning logic,
You need to repost this, because the sound doesn't come out even at the highest volume.
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 13 Mar, 2016 04:00 pm
@cicerone imposter,
It works great on my end. If you or anyone else would like, you can copy and paste the source I used.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Mon 14 Mar, 2016 03:15 am
Bernie Sanders Polls: After Trailing Hillary Clinton By 30 Points In Illinois, Sanders Now Leads
Source: Inquisitr

Bernie Sanders is nearing Hillary Clinton in Illinois, with the Vermont Senator aiming to pull off another upset win like last week’s surprising victory in Michigan.

The Sanders campaign...pulled off the upset victory, propelling his campaign forward to critical upcoming votes in Ohio, Florida, and Illinois.

New polls released Sunday show that Bernie Sanders may be close to pulling off another victory in Illinois. Like in Michigan, Hillary Clinton once dominated polling in this state... But much of that polling comes from before Sanders pulled off the Michigan upset, and new data suggests that her lead may have all but evaporated.

A CBS News poll found that Bernie Sanders now leads 48 percent to 46 percent.

Read more:

This good news on Illinois follows analysis by the University of Virginia Center for Politics analysis predicting Sanders wins in Ohio and Missouri:
bobsal u1553115
Reply Mon 14 Mar, 2016 03:18 am
Maybe if there had been some push back in Wiemar, a house painter from Austria might have stayed in the beer halls.
Reply Mon 14 Mar, 2016 04:01 am
@bobsal u1553115,
I don't think the executive was at fault, it was the judiciary. If Adolf had been given a sentence that warranted the crime of armed insurrection he'd have spent the 30s and 40s banged up.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Mon 14 Mar, 2016 04:18 am
Because the brown shirted supporters of the little Austrian agitated for their amateur water-colorist.
0 Replies

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