Reply Sat 11 Jul, 2015 05:02 am
edgarblythe wrote:

I said I would not speak ill of the candidates, but Hillary at one time said as president she would attack Iran. I don't know if she has altered her stance, but I do not want to vote for more neverending war.

Say what one will regarding Hillary Clinton, but one thing she is not and that is blindly stupid. She will not attack Iran because the American people are sick of war. Also, attacking Iran is a far cry from attacking Iraq. I don't think the American military would like to open that can of worms. Many things are said in the heat of a campaign. I remember Hillary saying she would "annihilate" any country who attempted to attack Israel. She placated the Israeli supporters and contributors by her rhetoric....and that's all it is, pure hyperbole, saying what she think her contributors would want her to say. We must never forget for one moment that Hillary Clinton is a politician par excellence who has had many years of practice.
Reply Sat 11 Jul, 2015 07:18 am
Well, some reporter need to ask her if she stands by her remarks in 2008 regarding Iran. And then ask her what has changed to change her mind.

Clinton says U.S. could "totally obliterate" Iran

I want the Iranians to know that if I'm the president, we will attack Iran (if it attacks Israel)," Clinton said in an interview on ABC's "Good Morning America."

On the other hand the chances of that happening aren't very high, they would be fools to attack Israel knowing the US would naturally come to Israel's (or any other country when you think about it)aid if attacked.

It is her whole attitude I find unhelpful and too much like the Bush era of being bullies rather than trying to peaceful solutions and attempting to use diplomacy towards countries we may have trouble with. Obama called it saber rattling and he was right.
Reply Sat 11 Jul, 2015 08:59 am
I have nothing against Bernie but he has ZERO chance of winning and just reinforced that by using the most poisonous words in American politics: raise taxes. And… he's done.

Bernie Sanders says he'd raise taxes

Washington (CNN)Bernie Sanders says America's wealthiest individuals and large corporations would face tax hikes if he's elected president.

The Vermont senator who's closed the gap on Hillary Clinton in the Democratic presidential race said Sunday he'd use that money to pay for infrastructure, job creation and college costs.

In an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union," Sanders complained of oil subsidies, companies stashing revenue overseas to avoid taxes and billionaire investor Warren Buffett's secretary paying a higher tax rate than he does.

"Clearly, that has got to change," Sanders said.

He said the United States needs rules that would "dampen down the speculation on Wall Street," and that he'd like to break up Wall Street's biggest financial institutions.

And, he said, he'd "substantially" raise taxes.

"Yes, we have to raise individual tax rates substantially higher than they are today because almost all of the new income is going to the top 1%," Sanders said.

Reply Sat 11 Jul, 2015 09:15 am
He said the truth though, we do need to raise taxes to pay for the last decade of wars. It is what we did historically up until recently with all this talk of anti-taxes. I have to admit I am liking Bernie Sanders more by the day and Hillary less. He is just not appealing to either Hispanics or blacks which he needs. He needs to step up his game in that area.
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 11 Jul, 2015 09:31 am
He definitely is telling the truth.

If "telling the truth" were a winner in politics...none of the presidents elected during the last 250 years would have been elected.

Bernie is closest in line with what I want for America...which means he does not have a chance to win...particularly if he tells the truth.

There is nothing more useless to a pilot than runway behind him or altitude above him...and there is nothing more useless to a guy with a great agenda than not being in office.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Jul, 2015 09:34 am
revelette2 wrote:

Well, some reporter need to ask her if she stands by her remarks in 2008 regarding Iran. And then ask her what has changed to change her mind.

Attacking Iran militarily is different from the political oratory politicians toss around. Within the atmosphere of ongoing negotiations she would not dare repeat the same words for fear of the Obama administration's wrath.

Since Israel is a supposedly a close ally of the US most politicians will say publicly they would protect Israel. Hillary was a US senator from New York, with a large Jewish enclave, many wealthy who has not only contributed heavily to her senate campaign but when she was running for president the first time against Obama and she made no secret she would readily do battle for the Jewish nation if need be. Jewish groups all over America also contribute handsomely to her present campaign. One of Hillary's closest confidants while Secretary of State was Sidney Blumenthal who also served in the Clinton administration. Obama refused to allow him to join the current administration, but he advised Hillary outside the administration regarding Benghazi, which has recently come to the notice of the Obama administration. Blumenthal was recently interviewed in privacy before congress and the public were not permitted to know the details.

It is her whole attitude I find unhelpful and too much like the Bush era of being bullies rather than trying to peaceful solutions and attempting to use diplomacy towards countries we may have trouble with. Obama called it saber rattling and he was right.

Hillary has the type of personality you either like her or you don't. Since she seems the most likely one to get the nomination, I have tried to put aside my personal feelings for her and concentrate on what her presidency would do for the middle class and the less fortunate.

Hillary does not have an easy-to-know personality and she appears closed. The only thing about being very private is people think you have something to hide. Because of this quirk in her persona she has been dogged by the press and Republicans who believe she is being deceptive. I can readily understand her defensive posture, but this just causes Hillary to clam up more.

I don't know too much about Hillary's "saber-rattling." Every presidential candidate talks rock-hard if only to please their base. Upon actually getting the job the tone hurriedly becomes more effectively diplomatic especially when it comes to international affairs, unlike President George W Bush/Dick Cheney/Paul Wolfowitz, etc.

When it comes to attacking Iran, one must have a very good sound reason to justify doing so as that country will not be as easy to topple like Iraq and not because of a nervous Israel who is on pins and needles to war on the Persian nation. Israel realizes its in no position to take on Iran but would like the US to do it for her. I don't care who it is, the US is not about to attack Iran unless Iran is on the verge of attacking the US first.
Reply Sat 11 Jul, 2015 09:41 am

He said the truth though, we do need to raise taxes to pay for the last decade of wars.

Very Happy Look, I don't mind if Bernie raises taxes on the rich and super rich. Just don't touch the middle class because I pay enough as it is. The Middle Class is taxed to damn much! The more money I make in stock shares the higher my annual income tax to the IRS is.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Jul, 2015 10:10 am
In the end, over a republican I will vote for as well. I think a lot of people have said as much and mean it, so more than likely she will win. At least I sincerely hope so if for no other reason than the domestic agenda and supreme court appointees, people have said that as well. Having said that, I am glad Bernie Sanders is running so his ideas are at least being discussed.

But what is this about?

One of Hillary's closest confidants while Secretary of State was Sidney Blumenthal who also served in the Clinton administration. Obama refused to allow him to join the current administration, but he advised Hillary outside the administration regarding Benghazi, which has recently come to the notice of the Obama administration. Blumenthal was recently interviewed in privacy before congress and the public were not permitted to know the details.

Reply Sat 11 Jul, 2015 11:18 am

But what is this about?

One of Hillary's closest confidants while Secretary of State was Sidney Blumenthal who also served in the Clinton administration. Obama refused to allow him to join the current administration, but he advised Hillary outside the administration regarding Benghazi, which has recently come to the notice of the Obama administration. Blumenthal was recently interviewed in privacy before congress and the public were not permitted to know the details.

Regarding the above mentioned Sidney Blumenthal, I was hoping someone could shed some light on this. Hillary received many e-mails to her private server from her former aide and no one is sure she sent everything through the proper channels since she deleted her server's contents. I imagine that's what the Congressional Committee wanted to discuss with Blumenthal since his name popped up several times among the hundreds of e-mails she turned over. (It's a strong possibility Blumenthal has made some close ties in the middle east that could be useful to Hillary if she becomes president.) Hillary had wanted to add Blumenthal to her State Department staff and Obama administration said "no." I, too would like to know why he was not permitted to join the Obama administration. Sidney Blumenthal served as assistant and senior adviser to Bill Clinton and he continue to be of service to Hillary when she was Secretary of State. Maybe it was just that Obama did not want staff from the Bill Clinton tenure to join his and wanted total separation including staff.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Jul, 2015 07:11 pm
Because they're too ignorant and propagandized to recognize they're mostly socialist.
Reply Sat 11 Jul, 2015 10:47 pm
Had to go back to see what this was in answer to. True, but when a stupid person refuses to acknowledge what they are they will be against anyone who points it out, which is why Bernie cant win so I cant in good conscience support him even though I like him a lot and he is much closer to my political idea than most democrats. My primary worry is a ultra conservative Supreme Court. Corporations being considered people with the right to vote with money is bull shyt.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Jul, 2015 08:35 am
I went back and read this post. Very good.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Jul, 2015 07:40 pm
Bernie is coming to Dallas. Very good. If he can go to a redneck state and get crowds and money, he has a chance. I don't see how his first trip will garner much, but he has plenty of time to spread it around, if he keeps active.

Bernie Sanders

I am coming to Dallas for a town meeting to discuss getting big money out of politics, combating climate change, making college education more affordable, and dealing with obscene wealth and income inequality.
Reply Wed 15 Jul, 2015 09:07 pm
I LOVE that he's not writing off most of the country out of fear like most Democrats do. He's taking it to em.

What a ballsy guy. He got more applause at La Raza conference than the other two Dem speakers. Smile
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Jul, 2015 05:15 pm
On Monday, three Democratic presidential candidates—Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton and Martin O’Malley—gave half-hour speeches at the National Council of La Raza’s annual convention in Kansas City.

While Clinton spoke with familiarity to an audience she’s long known, it was Sanders whose speech was the most riveting, drawing twice as many applause interruptions as Clinton's.

Sanders' speech to the nation's largest Latino civil rights organization was notable because he confronted the "stain of racism," his father’s immigrant experience and his impoverished upbringing, and he went into greater detail than Clinton about what federal government could and should do to create more dignity and economic security for individuals and families.

Many pundits have written that Sanders has a problem addressing audiences of color, because he comes from nearly all-white Vermont. But Sanders’ La Raza speech shows that he can deeply connect with Latino audiences. What follows is a transcript of excerpts from his remarks that prompted 45 applauses and a concluding standing ovation.

Excerpts from Sanders' La Raza Speech

These are tough times for our country. And it is absolutely essential that we involve more people in the political process, that we provide a voice for those people who have no voice, for those people who are in the shadows, and that we engage in serious debate on serious issues—and that is exactly what La Raza has been doing and will do. (applause)

I want to focus on three issues. I want to talk about the stain of racism in this country. I want to talk about the need for real immigration reform. (applause) And I want to talk about economic policies that address the grotesque levels of income and wealth inequality in America (applause) and the need to create an economy that works for all of us and not just a handful of billionaires. (applause)

Brothers and sisters, throughout history, for whatever reason — and I’m not a psychiatrist — racism has been a stain on human existence… This issue was raised, interestingly enough, just a few days ago when Pope Francis, one of the very great leaders in this world today, stated and I quote, “I humbly ask forgiveness. Not only for the offense of the church herself, but also for the crimes committed against the Native people during the so-called conquest of America.” End of quote. That’s Pope Francis. (applause)

Racism has plagued this country for centuries. We should be proud, however, that in recent decades, we have made significant progress, real progress, in overcoming racism and in defeating it; in creating a country where we judge people, as Martin Luther King Jr. reminded us, not on the color of their skin. Not on the language they speak. Not on the country where they came from. But on their character and qualities as human beings. (applause)

We are making progress in the country and there will be no turning back. And let me be very clear in stating that no one—not Donald Trump, not anyone else—will be successful dividing us on race or our country of origin. (applause)

America becomes a greater nation, a stronger nation, when we stand together as one people and in a very loud and clear voice, we say no to all forms of racism and bigotry. (applause)

I know something about immigration, because my dad came to this country from Poland at the age of 17 without a nickel in his pocket, without much of an education, and without knowing the English language. Like immigrants before and since, he worked hard to give his family a better life in the United States. He never made much money. We lived in a three-and-a-half-room rent-controlled apartment in Brooklyn, New York. But he worked hard. My mom worked hard. And they were able to create a situation where their two kids went to college. (applause)

When we talk about the Latino community, and in fact, when we talk about America, one critical piece that must be talked about is the need for comprehensive immigration reform. (applause)

Let us be frank. Today’s undocumented workers play an extraordinarily important role in our economy. Without these folks, it is likely that our agricultural system would collapse. (applause)

Undocumented workers are doing the extremely difficult work of harvesting our crops, building our homes, cooking our meals and caring for our children. They are part of the fabric of America. (applause)

Let me tell you my experience, one of my experiences, with undocumented workers. In 2007, I heard about horrendous exploitation in Immokalee, Florida, where undocumented workers grow tomatoes… I saw the conditions, of workers working horrendously long hours and very low wages; very bad working conditions and awful housing. And I’m happy to say that with people working together, we made some progress. Today workers there get better wages, better working conditions and better housing. (applause)

Eleven million people came to this country, who today are undocumented, so that they could feed their families, escape gang violence and desperate economic circumstances. Let me also be very clear, that people came to this country because they knew that there were jobs here. And if anyone thinks that employers—employers throughout this country—did not know that the workers that they were hiring were undocumented, they know nothing about what’s gone on in this country for 50 years. (applause)

Where do we go from here… I believe there should be a responsible path to citizenship so individuals can come out of the shadows (applause), people can walk the streets (applause) with safety, people can hold their heads high. (applause)

The [2013] Senate bill tried to accomplish this important goal, and the time is long overdue for the House of Representatives to take up comprehensive immigration reform. (applause)

The Senate bill contained the provisions of the Dream Act, which I strongly support, and which would offer the opportunity of permanent residency and eventual citizenship of young people who are brought to the United States as children. (applause)

It is my belief that we should recognize the young men and women who comprise the dreamers for what they are—American kids who deserve the right to legally be in the country they know as home. (applause)

This is not to say that I do not have significant criticisms of this long and complicated bill. I believe the pathway to citizenship was unnecessarily linked to border security treaties—measures that many believe were put in place so that the path to citizenship would be delayed or even denied for the millions of undocumented people here; and I want to change those provisions. (applause)

I also believe that the penalties and fines of the bill would be hard for the poor, essentially preventing them from accessing the path to legal residency and eventual citizenship. (applause)

To be meaningful, a pathway to citizenship needs to be achievable for the millions of workers at the low end of the economic class. These and other barriers of the bill, including the use of more than a decade that it would take to achieve citizenship, make it a flawed piece of legislation and needs to be improved. (applause)

Until we can pass comprehensive immigration reform, we must be aggressive in pursuing policies that are humane and sensible and that keep families together. (applause)

This includes taking measures that are currently available, including using the presidential power of executive order when it is appropriate. (applause)

While the Senate passed the Dream Act in its immigration bill, and the House has not acted, I think President Obama did exactly the right thing with his executive order for childhood arrivals. That was a good first step, but it should be expanded. Deferred action should include the parents of citizens (applause), the parents of legal permanent residents (applause) and the parents of dreamers. (applause)

We should be pursuing policies that unite families, not tear them apart. (applause)

Let me now touch on a broader issue that impacts all Americans, but especially lower-income people, whether Latino, African American, white, Native American, Asian or whatever. And here is the reality. The reality is that for the last 40 years, the great middle class of this country has been disappearing… And while millions of Americans are working longer hours for lower wages, there is another reality that we have got to put on the table: and that is that almost all of the new wealth and income being created in America today, and in the last many years, has gone to the top 1 percent. And that’s wrong. (applause)

It is not acceptable that youth unemployment in this country has reached tragic proportions… For white kids, that number is 33 percent. For Hispanic kids, it is 36 percent. For African-American kids, it is 51 percent. That is unacceptable. And maybe, just maybe, instead of building more jails, and locking up more people (applause) …maybe, just maybe, we should be investing in jobs and education for our young people. (applause)

I want America to be known as the best-educated country in the world, not the country with more people in jail than any other country. (applause)

When we talk about the problems of America, it is not only jobs; it is income. We need to raise the minimum wage, which today is a starvation wage of $7.25 to $15 an hour, so that anyone who works (applause) in this country does not live in poverty. (applause)

We talk about the need to compete in a highly competitive global economy. If we are going to compete effectively, we need the best-educated workforce in the world. And today in America we have the shameful situation of hundreds of thousands of bright qualified young people who want to go to college, but can’t go to college, because their families do not have enough money. That is grossly unfair to those young people and grossly unfair, and dumb for the future of the American economy—that is why I have introduced legislation that would make public colleges and public universities tuition-free. (applause)

In my view, furthermore, to be a great country, our government has to start protecting working families and not just wealthy campaign contributors. (applause)

That means policies which end voter suppression. (applause)

There are politicians who are simply cowardly, are afraid to face the people because they know their ideas do not represent the majority. The only way they win is by creating situations that make it difficult for people to vote. I want to see us have the highest voter turnout in the world. I want to see us make it easier to vote, (applause) not harder for people to vote. (applause)

The United States is the only major industrialized country that does not guarantee medical and parental leave for its people. That’s wrong. When a woman has a baby, regardless of her income, she should be able to stay home with that baby (applause) and not be forced to go back to work. (applause)

We need to overturn this disastrous Citizens United Supreme Court decision (applause) which allows billionaires to buy elections. (applause)

I voted for the Affordable Care Act, but it doesn’t go far enough. Every other major industrialized country guarantees healthcare to all of its people as a right, and so should we in the United States of America. (applause)

We are, in America today, the wealthiest country in the history of the world. But most people don’t know that because almost all of the wealth rests in the hands of the few. So what I would like you to do is to think big, not small. Think of a nation where every working parent has quality and affordable childcare. (applause) Think of a nation… where every person, regardless of income, can get all of the education that they need. (applause) Think of a nation where youth unemployment is not over 30 percent, but are in school or have training or have quality jobs. (applause)

Last but not least, think of a nation where every person in this country—no matter their race, no matter their country of origin, no matter their religion, no matter their disability, no matter their sexual orientation—that all come together, to create the greatest country that anyone has even seen; a country that works for all of our people, and we do it when we stand together, and we do not allow people to divide us, divide us, divide us. (applause)”

Steven Rosenfeld covers national political issues for AlterNet, including America's retirement crisis, democracy and voting rights, and campaigns and elections. He is the author of "Count My Vote: A Citizen's Guide to Voting" (AlterNet Books, 2008).
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2015 12:09 pm
Bernie Sanders‎Houston Town Meeting
1 hr ·
With turnout projections mounting, we have shifted the location of Sunday’s town meeting in Houston, Texas, to the Hofheinz Pavilion. Doors open at 6pm.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Jul, 2015 04:50 pm
Bernie's first big setback. This is just one account.

Protesters shout candidates off stage: ‘Black lives matter!’
Reply Sun 19 Jul, 2015 01:14 pm
Bernie Sanders Draws Largest Crowd Yet In Phoenix
Huffington Post - ‎1 hour ago‎
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) continues to barnstorm the country with crowds that top those of every other contender in the race for the White House, Republican or Democrat.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Jul, 2015 06:53 pm
How is this a big setback?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Jul, 2015 07:01 pm
I haven't followed the latest. Last I read by Bernie was rather squishy, I say as a long time type to agree with him. There are difficulties he is avoiding talking about. I don't want one more whaddacallit, propagandist. Don't make your speeches mush.

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