It's an adult comic. I suspect it is composed by Jesuitical types.
Any effect it has is only of use after reading a number of issues. It had a famous predecessor in ZIT. Which was taken from us for reasons we don't understand.
BTW A zit is a furious pimple on the face with a big yellow head which some people will pay to have your permission to squeeze. It's bigger than a blackhead and smaller than a boil.
Don't you think that's tasteful.
Not at all you blithering soft idiot, it is natural, commercial vehicle mechanics especially used to be covered in them, I think the oil and grime played a big part in giving them zits.
VIZ is a purely satirical magazine written by lost children of the damned.
Don't you think John Bull played a big part in getting this country equivocating with the masters of science?
On reflection Becks it might be best if you do seek to read VIZ if you get a copy wrapped in a plain envelope and hide it from the sight of any young persons or visitors. I wouldn't go to your village newsagent's because he will have gossipped the news that you have bought it right round the place in less than an hour. "The Yankee woman bought VIZ."
Don't you think John Bull played a big part in getting this country equivocating with the masters of science?
What does that mean?
Have you no more sense than encouraging the lass to act in a deceitful and underhanded manner?
Whatever next?
Please don't ask Mathos we would not want a full fledged war again.
Hello Little imp, nice to see you.
That blithering oink of a brain damaged moron needs some sense knocking into his thick skull.
Well you shouldn't worry yourself with such trivial matters now should you?
No, I shouldn't, mind you I did stick up for him on the British thread, (he was right for once) would he not be better off mounted on a tree though?
Not so high though don't you think?
No, about half way up would be suitable and we should throw rotten fruit at him don't you think?
i be thinkin of hangin them upsidedown or would that be downside up?
It could be inside out actually, do you think he would complain to a department official if we didn't get it right?
would they be more than likely to oppose?
No, they would just make it look good by going through the motions and red stamping the applications, then we could get official endorsement and do it on a fete day with the womens institute looking on and applauding.
Would you like a front row seat?
Hello Mr Mathos what are you selling seats for?
You tell me what you would like a seat for Lyn, and come hell or high water, you will have one. Is that fair enough?
Well since you are organizing the performance for us won't you be in charge of the tickets?
As a matter of fact Little imp, I'll be printing them, does that seem a sensible approach to the desired venue?
Yes very, as long as it doesn't cause too much. If it does you wouldn't mind if I pitch in would you?