Great, she's still doing something in the freezer, do all women spend months cleaning out freezers?
Not me. It usually only takes me a few hours to defrost my freezer.
You must be exaggerating about your wife spending months on it. I mean, you can't spend months on it Mathos - where would you put all the food to keep it all from thawing out and spoiling in the meantime? I bet your wife is much more efficient than you're giving her credit for.
Are you the kind of husband who would help your wife do something like defrost the freezer or do you believe those are women's chores and not something you should involve yourself with?
Look dumbo!
If its in the house its womans work.
I don't ask her to carry two ton of soil up hill, after she has done the weeding and cut the lwans and cleaned the cars, do I?
How would I know what you ask your wife to do? My guess is you don't ask her to do anything - you boss her around and tell her what to do- you know - give orders.
Were you ever in the military?
All my life, my father was stamped British Army and after god knows how many years as an officer he thought I was Corporal do it at the double.
Does it show?
Did your dad used to bounce quarters off your bed to see if you'd made it correctly?
No he bounced me off it, if it didn't look right.
Do you think he was mean?
He was probably just playing - you know throwing you around a little bit - having some fun.
Do you think people are born mean or made mean?
Circumstances change people, I have seen that over the years, many times. Yes, he was a hard man indeed and I never really understood all the hidings he gave me. Not until much later in life when I wondered what in the name of hell had he been through.
Do you actually think the same now, as you did ten years ago?
Maybe. It was about ten years ago that I just decided to do what I felt I needed to do instead of what everyone wanted me to or thought I should. I went through some pretty big changes just about ten years ago as a matter of fact. I thought really differently than I do now about fifteen years ago though.
Where do you think you'll be ten years from now?
I rather think it would be good fun to build a seraglio and sit on a big throne. Would you like a job there?
Depends on what job opportunities were available.
Would you make me be the chambermaid?
Well that would be rather demeaning towards you Aidan, i was thinking more like a manicurist, pedicurist, private masseur, (are you any good at massages) or would you want to be in charge of all the other girls, you know like a Mama San?
My hands are too small and not strong enough for me to be a good masseuse-I know this because I have a friend who's a massage therapist and she tried to teach me, but my hands kept cramping. She said they were too small for me to be a very effective masseuse.
I definitely don't want to do pedicures. I don't want to be handling feet all day.
I guess I could learn to do manicures.
I don't want to be in charge of any girls.
I could be a cook though. I'm good at it and I enjoy it.
Or would you want me to be your head gardener?
Sorted the garden, Spendi is in charge of the eunuchs.
OK I am going to hire you;- Manicurist, optional cook, bed warmer, and bath water tester.
Has that pleased you?
I guess I could do those things.
Bed warmer means I get to take a nap first and make sure the bed is warm and then I get out and you get in right?
Do you really think that's what he meant?
He could have. He'd have the "girls" for the other stuff - if you know what I mean.
Knowing me though, I'd probably end up hanging out with his wife - helping her with the chores he gave her. (She sounds nice- I think I'd like her).
Have you met her?
Oh yes, she has a wonderful life with three lovers, oodles of emeralds, and a horse-drawn caravan. Of course, Motharse does all the chores and is henpecked to death.
Are you in an equal relationship?
Of course it's equal, the scales of perfect justice ensure equality.
If I climb on one side of the scales and add my tools of work engagement eg lawn mowers, lawn rollers, hoes, spades, rakes, forks, sledgehammers, two cars, and a pickup complete with four wheel trailer. It is only fair that my wife all 116 lbs of her adds materials such as vacuum cleaners, pots, pans brushes dusters and such like implements until the scales of equality balance.
Don't you think such chivalry adds to the perfect marriage?