Are we not all getting a bit carried away?
Perhaps you would be kind enough to explain what you mean by that.
Do you wish is all to be given a dose of dumming down medicine?
She's only 18.
Have you made any friends on these threads?
I've had a few nibbles but nothing has bitten yet possibly because only "diet" maggots are allowed.
What's your definition of a friend?
Someone who knows you well enough that you feel comfortable together and seek out each other's company.
Do you agree?
I do agree - that's a good definition.
Have you made any friends here?
I've already answered that but 3 posts back.
Had you not noticed?
Why did you assume I was talking to you? Think you that I read old threads?
You are always talking to the next poster on this game.
Didn't you know that?
Well, who knew it'd be you? So what was your answer, anyway?
Yes, I have. It's nice.
Have you made any enemies?
Apparently maybe one!
Where do you hail from?
Hi Clary how are you? and Ms. Mame?
Fine thank you. Are you going to answer the question?
You are going to have a lot of trouble making any friends bs5 if you are going to continue with you wreck-ball tactics. I have only spotted you on three threads and you have attempted to bugger all of them up. We all understand the odd mistake but you have a trend going.
Can't you try a bit harder?
I'm trying as hard as I can to keep the threads on track. Do you think it's a waste of time?
Not at all. It teaches discipline, forbearance and ego diminution.
That can't be bad can it?
Ego diminution? Not bad? Where are you from?
He's from alcoholics anonymous Mame, and stop shouting at that little Cherub Spendi, she's a lovely little girl.
Do you always like insulting people you cross-eyed sot?
You calling me a cross-eyed sot? And who was shouting? Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?