No.... I've had some very soggy fish'n'chips over your way, NOT to be repeated. The best bet is a ploughman's lunch, don't you think? What could be easier than a cold plate?
I should think almost anybody could make a better job of a party than the Chicago lot seem to have done on the face of it.
But not so fast. What sort of party have you in mind?
There's a great deal needs sorting out before a party can be considered never mind my organising it don't you think?
There most certainly is a great deal to organize... spoken like a successful party-giver, spendi...
why are you two disparaging the chicago event? did either of you attend?
That is why I'm leaving it in your capable hands Spendi, I know you will do a thorough job and those Chicago boy's won't know whats hit 'em.
I can rely on you, can't I?
No you can't.
I once organised a Xmas do for four hundred in a hired out ballroom and annexe arrangement. It was murder. The do was great mind you and they had a collection for me which was reasonable compensation.
But it was only one night. You can't expect people to fly in from all over the world for anything less than a week-long jamboree of superficial, silly,shallow stupidity. Sightseeing, shagging, supping and sleeping.
That requires a very delicate balance in the guest list. And some funds.
Fish and chips!!!! One couldn't bring oneself to preside over anything quite so common as that could one?
Shagging, Spendius, is there going to be a shagging contest?
You need to let us know though Spendius, could you organise a bash that would be talked about from now to eternity?
Given the appropriate resources I think I may very well be up to such a task.
You'll have to see who wishes to attend though won't you and screen them for any last vestiges of partypoopery.
Clary gave me the impression she is eager to be a guest but I think she was a bit tiddly at the time. She probably imagines you are a combination of Clark Gable, Sir Edmund Hilary and the Vicomte de Valmont from your posts.
You wouldn't be a let down in the flesh would you?
Strange you should ask that question Spendius, several ladies of A2K have furnished me with their e-mail addresses (in strict confidence) and have received photographs of Mathos. I rather think the real Mathos is a far better combination than your description.
Not being one to vaunt 'Old Chap' I can assure you, none of the ladies will be disappointed.
Do you intend creating a photograph log for all those members wishing to attend?
I'm not very technical I'm afraid.
You should ask timberlandko about photographic logs. I know nothing about such things. He's an expert. I'm not sure I would invite him though. He takes a fair bit of feeding. And he might distract the attention of the ladies from a proper appreciation of your qualities.
Have you exchanged posts with him yet?
I have not had the privilege as yet, isn't he one of those 'egg heads' though who keep assaulting you on 'the clever peoples threads'?
Dear Mathos I do not believe that any one can take away from your splendour
Sheesh. I'll ask a question in lieu of bs5 getting a bit lost.
Does the splendour blind the vision of those who dare approach it?
Would it if they were already used to it?
Possibly not.
They say one can adapt to anything don't they?
So then you have your answer do you not?
You mean you could stand up to the dazzling glare of Mathos's splendour because you are used to that sort of thing I suppose.
What's it like?

Why you don't know? Come now a gentleman of your nature and you do not know?
No I don't. I have led a very sheltered life I'm afraid.
Is the splendour of Mathos only available to those who have survived being exposed on the hillside?
It will be unfair shall I guess to leave you in the no each and every one of us has this splendour it is just that some shines more than others look for it within yourself first and then look for it in others so that you shall not be amazed by what you see because you know what others are capable of through your own journey. Therefore you shall see Mathos splendour because you can see your own. Do you not think so?
Holy Kerap! What was that all about?? lol