More likely to save China if world opinion is listened to.
Did anyone find Christopher Reeve sexy as Superman?
Is King Kong back in America?
no his taking a holliday to hawii
whats your lepricorns name
What's yours?
henry is is name
and his name shal be henry
have you read any good books
What made you choose this thread to look at today?
questions are great
whats the time
9.20 a.m.
Is there a good reason you don't use punctuation and correct spelling?
I hadn't noticed I had a problem with those.
Could you put me right?
That would be some achievement.
One might require you to spend the remainder of your natural days in Ashworth. You would have or share quarters with Ian Brady. A team of the counties most eminent psychiatrists would be on hand to see what could be done. The most senior male nurses, Winston and Alfonso would be available to both contain you and pleasure themselves with you as the needs arose. You would be totally denied any form of alcoholic beverage.
Could you take the pace so far?
I hadn't noticed any pace to take.
What's your favourite fantasy?
Fantasies are pure dreamland for those unable to really create the reality of their innermost desires. I don't play with life, I take it on board to the maximum extent.
Do you fantasise about being macho ?
i don't fantasize. i am macho
do you have a decent sense of humor
Mostly very decent but occasionally indecent. Without laughter we are nothing.
Would you rather work or not, given that you have enough money to live on?
Much sooner work, tis good for the body and soul. Besides idle hands...
Do you think women have life far to easy today?
yep soon they will get men to have kids
(guys point of view)
no they dont now we have to work
do you agree with your politions
sorry i cant spell the guys who run your country
continuing... what do you find funny?
I find Noel Coward funny.
Do you like the theatre?