No.I don't.I absolutely loathe and detest with the uttermost soul of my being having holiday snaps shoved into my face.I think it is because they are invariably taken at selected moments of the holiday which flatter the holidaymaker.
But I would like to see snaps of some of those moments when they might not which I fear have been censored in order to present a partial picture.
Wouldn't you?
Any chance of that Mathos?
Well, I disagree... not every pic is taken to flatter the photog, you know... it may be a pic of something whimsical or a striking contrast in colours.
Do you think you're being overly harsh?
Well, it's been 5 hours since I wrote that so I guess you're not going to/able to/willing to answer me - are you at the pub again/still, Spendi?
I envy your being able to go every day.
No.I don't think I was being harsh at all.Just honest.
I'd bet money that any picture Mathos shows us will be chosen to show him in a golden glow so that all you slinky American ladies will think he's sexier than I am.
You don't seriously expect me to co-operate with that do you?
(And when you wrote that I had gone to bed.)
To those who have already forwarded me their e-mail address's I will forward some photographs and treat their confidence with respect.
I would willingly place an account on A2K with photographs, however, I have no idea how to place a photograph on the site, no doubt one of you could give me instructions and I will endeavour to complete the same. There is much to show you.
As for that gormless Tyke from Yorkshire, I doubt he could co-operate with anything other than a pint pot with handle.
It's the Question Game Mathos old chap.You are supposed to answer the question the previous poster has deposited and then ask one of your own.
Do you resemble your avvie in any way?
I indeed do, it's just me.
I hope you don't resemble yours...
Do you?
In a way yes.
How are the riots going where you are?
They are going well, thank you..
Dont you like riots?
They're great.Quite good footage.
Do you think the French need a good riot every now and again.
Not at all, they should concentrate on making the wine.
Do you enjoy a glass of wine Spendius, or are your taste buds confined to 'ale?'
sorry not Spendi...I enjoy a nice French merlot but prefer NZ whites and Australian Reds...
and your preference of tipple?
Whatever gets me pissed for the smallest amount of money without rendering my eyeballs pixilated.
John Smith's Extra Smooth is where I'm at just now but I'm always seeking to improve myself.
Have you any suggestions?
I see you like your Bitter Ale's, myself I like the Guinness....
have you tried any Steinlager?
No.I've never heard of it.
Is it any good?
How on earth could you possibly expect a 'lady'
especially a lady like Miss KiwiChick, to be able to discuss beer with you, gormless?
I rather think you lost the plot when they ceased to produce Red Barrel. Turning to 'John Smiths' must have been a wrench for you 'Old Chap'
Considering beer and your clan on the east side of the Pennines, I always thought you were suppers of mild, vainly hoping the Landlord was still in the habit of increasing his profits by topping the same up with slops of expensive liquor.
Do you enjoy being a miser?
Yes.I love running the ducats,dubloons,sovereigns and lucre generally,even cheques,through my fingers with an evil chuckle.I'm like the Yorkshire mill owner who wept to see some of the water passing the water mill ineffectively.
Are you snobbish about Capitalism?
I don't know. You'd have to tell me whether or not you think so! My goodness, I just don't know what to say. Maybe I'm a little brain-fried after spending the day with my kids at an arcade-type place!
SOooooooooo, can you tell the difference between tap water and bottled?
Yes.Tap water is cheaper and easier to get at.
Did you not know kids are brain-frying tackle?
Only the female kids Spendi, the lads can be taught to understand the cost of living.
I recently read an article claiming Chinese children had been boiled and eaten. The Chinese stated they had been boiled and used as fertiliser.
Are you glad we don't boil sots in the UK?