Hi Lezzles - I can't really remember what it looks like - it's been eons since I saw that movie.
What about your place?
Very boring - A rented 3 bedroom cottage - Pumpkin coloured kitchen, dining and hall, purple toilet, blue bathroom, living room two shades of green and bedrooms - one blue, one green and one purple. My dream home would be white, silver and glass, lots more white - a dash of Mediterranean blue - perhaps a splodge of red somewhere (have to think about that).
If I decide on the red can I borrow your lips?
Questions Game
These lips have already been reserved, awaiting to one day kiss a special someone. No offense, lezzles. :wink:
What motivates you to meet the day, to become inspired about life?
The prospect of coming on A2K and having a bit of fun with all these beautiful and intelligent ladies who live in the cyber space of the electrical circuits.
They are all perfection there aren't they?
Oh yes.
Why do you confine yourself to cyberspace?
Very little of myself is confined to cyber space. But it's ok to be here, one can dream here too.
Do you dream about people thousands of keyboards away?
I think about what it would be like to meet them and visit them where they live, but fantasize? No.
If you could live in another place and time, when and where would it be?
I would choose the Medieval times

Don't know why but I'm fascinated by them. Of course, I would prefer to be rich
What about you?
That's easy.Five thousand years in the future when it's all been sorted out.Medieval times were pretty gruesome Mame.In every respect.
Have you been influenced by Camelot?
No, not Camelot, but I have read a great deal on that era.
Don't you think things will be worse 5,000 yrs from now? ie. will we able to even breathe?
Who knows? We could ask Dion Warwick or Miss Cloe.
So you believe in psychic ability?
yes, I see dead people (lol)
do you have any?
No, more like intuition than psychic ability.
Have you ever been to a psychic?
Lots of times... love 'em... they've always been on the mark.
Do you believe in ghosts?
Aren't we all a bit like ghosts when we're on here?
Ghosts of 'lectricty.
Is that interesting?Do we pass out bits of ourselves to make us feel less like ghosts?
very few would feel like that I would say, certainly I am not one of those..
what makes you say that?
Some science fiction stuff I've seen I suppose.About us becoming less and less body and more and more intelligences.Not telepathy.Wiring ourselves together through electrical conducting media.
I think it's great and only in its infancy.
Have you seen The Man with Two Brains?