Yes, absolutely No good at all. Life is too short to not enjoy the pleasures of pleasure...safely that is.
Do you agree?
There's no point my answering that as I'm crazy.You have Cal's authoritative word for that.
But I merely offered celibacy in answer to the "What else?" question and unquestionably it is one though not the only one.The word does have meanings which a superficial approach is unable to appreciate but that is a matter for those circles of thought where such superficiality is common.It is no concern of mine.
Do you like lazy Sundays?
Not so lazy for due to working weekends and all. Thats the price I pay for wanting to further my education and keep a steady income.
I take it you do like lazy sundays?
Yes.But I have done my share of what you are doing and I hope you get as a good reward for it as I have done.But don't forget that a good income is as dependent on outgoings as well as incomings.
Cheap leisure is as vital as promotion.The easier you are to amuse the better.
Isn't that so?
I believe so, I am very easily amused.
Are you?
Considering the wonders libraries contain and the superb coverage of sport on TV it might be said that I'm very easily amused.These threads are quite entertaining as well and easy to manage.My parents were very lazy.
Do you do cross-stitch?
I did at one time, I stress out over it cuz I always stab myself. I do like to crochet though.
So you do anything crafty like that?
No,but I've known a few ladies who did and still do.
It seems very calming and some of the things they've done are marvellous.Men are generally not patient enough for it.
Do you think patience is a real virtue?
I am not a patient person by any means...thats probably why I have no children. For those people who do have it I would call it a virtue.
What makes you impatient?
I'm not now but I used to be.Hunger made me quite impatient until I realised it.
Do you get ratty when you're hungry?
ratty as in bitchy? Yes, I woke up at 530 am yesterday and didnt eat until 4pm so I was pretty ratty by that time.
Do you cry when youre tired?
No.I lie back,close my eyes and listen to whatever sound is going off.Mozart for preference but nearly anything will do.A distant road even.Then I drift away.It's lovely.
Don't you do that?
No I have a very difficult time sleeping. So I stay awake until I cant. Most of the time I end up crying just because I am so moody and its all tireds fault.
Do you get moody for no reason?
only 2 days a month
thought of sleeping tablets?
I don't like to take pills of any sort, actually, so I'd rather lie in bed awake, thinking.
What time do you normally arise?
7.30 am and no sooner...
Ah... I wake often around 4:00 a.m. or so and am awake for an hour or more... it gets tiring always being awake.
Can you nap during the day?
yes I can easily, a 10 min kip does wonders!
do you stay up late?
Not normally, no... I like to be up early. 10 - 11 pm is my normal bedtime.
What do you drive?
Mitsubishi FTO or my Toyota Rav4
what do you drive?