No, these days I just smile knowingly.
How much and what, do you drink each day?
Depends; sometimes none, sometimes a glass, sometimes two, sometimes (though rare!) a lot more.
Who is someone you would like to emulate?
I have always been half in love with Mr. Magoo.
Who's your favourite postman?
You want to be like Mr. Magoo? How so?!
Hmmmmm. Never thought about it ... There's Mr. McFeely from Mr. Roger's Neighborhood. Nice guy, creepy name! I don't think I HAVE a favorite postman, unless you include our former UPS - definitely eye candy!
Do you have a secret crush?
I think everybody has a crush. I'm no exception.
Is yours common or rare?
Neither I'm afraid.I see,like most men I know,the opposite sex in a similar manner that a cow sees a field of lush green grass.(See L'Homme Qui Aime Les Femmes.-if I have it right).
Is that unusual?
Unusual that you compare women to cows? In your case
probably not!
Is the grass greener on the other side?
I didn't at all Cal.Your reading is too lax.I would have scant difficulty in comparing women to cows should I wish to.I might have said that my attitude to women is roughly that of a bull to a field of cows but even that does not compare women to cows.It only relates to the attitude.And,as I remarked,it is an attitude held by most of the men I have known and I have known a large number and observed their behaviour with scientific interest.It is up to women to make themselves the greener grass and fortunately a large proportion do so.As do we men from their side.The snooty,snotty sarcastic feminist types always get what they deserve and go worse as they seek to justify themselves.
Confrontational postures are invariably counterproductive don't you think?
Quite right!
Do you believe in the "Old cow, new cow" theory?
I'm afraid that theory is one of the multitude of theories to which I have so far not been introduced to.
What exactly is the "Old cow,new cow" theory?
The theory, based on research done on actual cows, states that bulls will dump their old cow for a new cow, after having their way with them. Once they've had the new cow, they lose interest and look for other new cows. If you compare men to cows - unable to be satisfied with the cow they have, constantly in search of a new, fresh, cow.
Now what do you think?
I think that women are more interesting than cows, and
actually I do give men more credit than to wander from one
woman to the other. That is, if they're mature enough!
Love is the answer, isn't it?
It is if one derives one's intellectual principles from adverts for choc-chocs and such like rather than from the more severe disciplines of biology and psychology.Love is rather a diffuse concept which can be stretched to cover a wide range of needs.Mutual self interest and duty are much sounder principles on which to base long-lasting relationships.
Would you wish to dispute that?
I tend to agree spendi. From an economical standpoint the "invisible hand" leads people. That is, their own self interest tends to perpetuate a gain for not only that person but the people around them. I believe it can be the same way with a relationship.
What else?
There's celibacy.
Ever considered that?
Not on your life!!
Are you crazy?
Yes he is! Mutual self interest and duty have not made
a great relationship yet. It is certainly part of it, but in the
beginning stands a mutual attraction and infatuation.
What good does celibacy?
I dont think I understand the question???
What do you mean?
spendius was referring to celibacy, and I asked what
good would it do (to be celibate).
Do you understand now:?