I love pubs.
Would you rather drink alone or with others?
Oh-with others.You wouldn't believe some of the people I drink with.
Are you broad-minded?
Depends on what we're talking about...
What do you drink when you're out with some of those people you mentioned?
Of course, I wouldn't even begin to constrict myself to being narrow-minded.
Don't you think life sucks for those who can't be open or broaden themselves to whatever possibility presents itself?
What are you reading right now?
Sorry Mame - you pipped me - I drink either white wine or stella over here - in the US my poison of choice is Rolling Rock - I'm just a simple girl at heart.
How about you - what's your poison?
I'm a wino only - a chardonnay or a mellow red, but my hubby loves Stella, Becks... Pilsner Urquel...
where's "over here"?
Sorry, Aidan - I'm late for a date with a girlfriend - catch you tomorrow, maybe? Ciao!
No problem Mame. I'm reading The Narcissist's Daughter by Craig Holden. It's pretty good - interesting plot and amusingly written.
Have you read anything you've enjoyed lately?
Yes.I read a biog of Frank Harris earlier and now I'm reading the first volume of Sir Anthony Eden's memoirs.
Do you like memoirs?
I love memoirs, and unlike some others, I'm not cynical when I read about others taking that walk down memory lane and relating what has been important in their lives and made a lasting impression.
Do you think it makes sense to be cynical in life?
I don't see where sense enters into it.
Do you think everyone has the capacity to be cynical?
No. I think some people (especially at either end of the age spectrum) are completely and distinctly unable to view anything in a cynical manner although I don't know if that's just because they either haven't had the experiences in life it takes to become cynical or have had so many experiences that they've learned it makes more sense to move beyond viewing things cynically. Because I do think it is a conscious choice (how you view life - although I know innate personality tendencies are also a factor) so I do think sense enters into it.
Do you like Sundays?
I work Sundays but other than that YUP!
Do you like people in person?
Are you a gregarious sort?
Not really
Do you make better friends with those you dont meet?
Not necessarily.
Do you think sense is involved in cynicism?
You are awful deep today...
Is something the matter?
Yes, the matter is something and I think the antimatter also. Anything else doesn't matter.
Is that deep?
Too deep for me. I try not to dig very far into myself cuz I never know what Ill find.
Do you agree?