No.I'm content to leave that to Pee-Ess.
I was trying my best to follow the rules of this game.
Did I get it wrong?
Some of us are rebels and when left unattended, can break all the rules and go off on our own - do you ever do that?
No.I like the strength of the insurance companies around me.
What flavour of ice-cream do you prefer?
IT depends on my mood. I haven't had dinner, yet.
Do you know that I am really hungry?
Hungry for what, sweetie?
I would really like to have a steak with grilled bell pepper and onion, with a glass of Burgundy.
How do you like your steak?
I like my steak Medium Rare, and let me tell you, our veal tonight was delicious - do you like veal?
Yes, very much. I've had it as Veal Parmigiana. I used to have steak medium rear, but now my preference is medium well.
What age do you feel that you are, right now?
I feel about 35.. and you?
Right now, I feel like I'm 10. :wink: Normally, I tell myself that I'm 22, but my birth certificate says that I'm over 39. (the rest is a carefully kept secret)
Are you good at keeping secrets?
Of course - I have 6 sisters! Are you?
I am unbelievable good at keeping secrets. If you only knew...
But enough about me. What do you know, that no one else knows, that you could anonymously tell the entire global A2K world, at the very moment?
ha ha
Hmmm... where to start, what to say???
I have two friends who don't wear underwear, how's that? I know of a person who has a criminal conviction - does that count?
It depends. Was it for jay-walking?
Jay-walking isn't illegal, in my books..

Is it in yours?
I was born to jay-walk <softly sacheting, in a slow, southern-belle fashion>...
You remind me so much of a good friend I used to have. Her name was Lisa. She was instrumental in my breaking into the music profession at that time. She played guitar and sang for fun, and so did I (still do).
Do you play anything or like to sing?
sacheting??? LOL... or do you mean, sashaying? ha ha
I don't play a musical instrument, but I did take up the saxophone for a few lesson in my early 30s. I got hooted up into the attic, if you can believe it,and it was just too hot to play up there... what's your musical ability?

oh, the spelling! Well, at least you got to learn how to read music. That's a good education. Do you mean, what do I play?
yes, if you play an instrument, but maybe you just sing? I don't do anything, sadly, unless it's out of tune...
Is there a question in the house?