I can only judge by men and women I have known. Films and tv portray American women as screeching whiners, determined to be boss and the men as either insipid weaklings or brutes. I didn't think that could be true.
Is not true equality of the sexes a matter of mutual respect and co-operation?
True equality is often viewed as something of a pipe dream. Someone on this forum recently mentioned the Orwell book Animal Farm and how it starts off with 'all animals are created equal' and then moves to a place where the phrase is changed to 'some animals are more equal'..inner nature is always looking to make one be the top cat/dog/horse/human/rhino/tiger/owl/trout/etc. etc.
Would you feel more at ease if everyone truly was equal and in a word, bland?
Not at all. I have no problem myself about equality, but after reading that 21 page bombshell in the General forum today, and the last few posts in this forum there seem to be a few tender spots.
What is Minute Maid?
Minute Maid is a brand of orange juice (and other fruit beverages such as lemonade and fruit punch). It also comes in the frozen reconstituted variety where water is added.
Minute Maid Website
Do you ever think about the polar ice cap melting and flooding the world?
Yes indeed. It evidently has done and will do again. Not a lot we can do about it although I hope its not likely to happen for a few years yet.
Wouldn't that put the stoppers on pollution?
I think the stopping of pollution might be the least of my concerns. The fortunate thing is some of these meltages happen so fast there isn't any real time to be worried.
If you found yourself on a boat and there was one life vest too few and the boat were a-sinking would you sacrifice yours...and possibly your life?
Probably. It would be one of those things you automatically do without weighing up the consequences (like running in front of a bus to push someone out of the way). Not brave, just dumb.
Are you a good swimmer?
If you mean good, as in sinking quickly then yes
. I never did learn to swim although I went to the YMCA as a child for over a year.
What do you think of people who purchase cemetery plots as wedding gifts to each other?
I've been up all night and I'm very tired and I just burst out laughing at this one! I guess it is all very practical and says "we want to spend eternity together", but surely it detracts from the joyful sentiments that are supposed to reign supreme at a wedding.
What is the time in your neck of the woods?
It's just about 4 p.m. here in the eastern part of the U.S. I asked about the cemetery plots because that was one of the nutty things my parents did and I love getting people's reactions to it.
Have you ever wondered how the universe got started?
I do believe in God - but have spent a lot of time wondering what an incredible plan He had, and if there were no God how did it all begin. I know about the Big Bang theory, etc, but that all had to come from somewhere.
Do you think there's life on other planets?
A hell of a lot of it, in my opinion! By the way, you were brain washed into believing a god existed, looking down on you with kindness and forgiveness, as long as you worshipped him with reverence beyond sound reasoning.
Then again, do we even exist?
I exist.
Aren't you whistling in the dark?
No.But I'd give it a try if it got really dark.
Have you seen what well bred women are like on Get Me Out Of Here I'm A Celebrity?
No, I can't say as how I have, in fact I never even heard of it until just now.
Have you ever wondered what life would be like if there was no electricity?
Back to the Gangs of New York, old west, Dickensian London scenarios...yuk! Unless you were wealthy, of course.
Are your neighbours friendly?
It is no longer "posh" in England to be friendly with one's neighbours.It is considered common.A few snobs take inordinate pride in saying that they couldn't pick their next door neighbours out in an identity parade.
Would you like us to export this new style to the US.
This so called style has already arrived in many places within the U.S. but there are still decent pockets of interaction.
Do agree with the phrase 'there is no such thing as a stupid question'?
Where would we be without them?
"Decent" represents a value judgement and as such has no place in a scientific discussion of social trends.It's a personal prop under archaicism.