One tries one's best.
Are you as generous as your name suggests?
I'm actually profilgate within the limits of my scarce resources.
Is your "best" appreciated in the milieux which is available to you?
Not by a long shot.
Do you still have mountains to climb?
No.I'm on a gentle downslope goofing off.It's rather nice.
What's your problem?
My problem is that I spend entirely too much time on the internet and avoid other things.
Have the birds all migrated out of your region for the Winter?
No.The pigeons were at it from dawn on this morning.
Ever read Thurber on the whiporwill calls?
Can't say as how I have...not a big Thurber fan.
Is your town being over-run by Starbucks Coffee shops?
Not where I am - but it probably won't take long.
Don't you ever dream of the days when a cup of coffee was just that?
I never dreamt that I must admit.I'm more a cellulite perv myself.
Have you been chosen to sing "Hark the happy angels sing" at midnight mass?
As I am one of the happiest of heraldic angels around, I might just spread my wings, fly on down to the local church and volunteer my services.
Do you know of a good feather-whitener?
Have you got them mucky?
I don't particulary care for feathers, mucky or otherwise...bad memories of being poked by them from my pillow as a child.
Have you ever wondered why glass is clear?
Just a tad - its all that 'grappling with demons' business - takes a lot of upkeep.
What is your favourite holiday?
Bastile Day.
Are you offended by people who toss there trash carelessly and when it lands on the ground don't bother to pick it up?
Definitely. There should be a suitably horrible punishment initiated for ignorant Philistines.
Who is your favourite historical character?
Do you think she was as cute as the painters show her?
Yes, but she was probably exaggerated a bit.
What is your favorite place you've traveled to?
Upcountry Kenya; no tour guides, just four of us setting up camp, big fire, good food, bottle of Scotch, ten zillion stars, solved all the world's problems. Fanbloodytastic!
What do you want for Christmas?
My two front teeth.
What do you like best about holidays?
Losing track of time.
What is your favourite food?