No,I wouldn't. The CZ is simply cheapskate.
The dancers on the cake are ironic in view of the marriage breakdown rate which is much greater than the divorce rate.
Would you agree?
I suppose. I was trying to make a point much like yours. While the cz IS cheapskate, It can also symbolize "false love" for which I actually have a (true) story.There are some who will buy a large cz who cannot afford the same size diamond for their love. What thinks you of this?
Methinks very little.Diamonds are cheapskate as well.A $100,000 ring from somebody who has $50 million isn't much of a compliment.
A nod's as good as a wink to a blind horse.
What's the story then?
The only story regarding diamonds 'old chap' is that they are a girls best friend.
Did you ever buy a lady a 'real gem' Spendius, and did anyone ever buy you one Dev's?
No.I had to fight 'em off not bribe 'em.
Did you have some difficulties yourself?
Yes, I have a real, 1 carat diamond (engagement)ring with wedding band. It may not be much to some, but he was in college when he bought it, and the sacrifice means a great deal to me.
The story, Spendi-, is this: A very close friend of mine - whom I ended up counseling through this - received a large cz from her fiancee'. It was the size she wanted (about 1 1/2 carats or so). They/he couldn't afford a real diamond of that size and so decided on the "imposter". They told no one about it. It was just between them, and they were very much in love ... turns out that about 3 years later he cheated on her while she was pregnant with their first child!! They are no longer together.
Obviously she told me about the cz, and that got me to thinking ... While a diamond may just be a diamond, it represents something real and true. If a guy is unwilling to get his intended a real one, however small he can afford it doesn't mean a hill of beans! (and yes, she did agree to it, BUT it certainly seems cautionary to me to say the least!)
I'm not saying the cz lead to the affair or that it caused the break-up, only that it says something about the investment or committment one makes to one's marriage. It may only be one couple's tale, but it's like a story witha moral to me.
Okay, what "female-bashings" have you for me?
None.I think they are lovely little darlings and I don't know what I would do without them but I feel sorry for blokes who believe what they say and who don't realise they are up against an intelligence of a whole other dimension which is not only inscrutable and devious but also divine.
That's complimentary isn't it?
Yes, thank you. And quite true. Ah, vive la diference! I'd hate that we were either all alike in thinking as men or women! While I think women can be more "complicated" the male mind is just as much a mystery to me! And I mean that in the most complimentary way!
There can be no "winner" in the war of the sexes, only compromise and understanding should be the goal, no?
It sounds okay but it does depend on certain other things.There are different approaches to it.I would go with understanding as long as what is being understood makes sense.
In your story about the couple and the cz ring you said she caught him cheating on her.Now that shifts the onus to him.But are you sure that is fair.It does beg the question of why he was.
Why had he sought solace elsewhere?
Interesting that you should ask that question, and I have an answer. She told me that he did it out of physical need. You see, she couldn't have sex during her pregnancy, or rather, not onlywas it difficult, but very painful. Being young marrieds they didn't really know what to do and just didn't really talk about it or know to do so! He says he did it to fulfill a physical need, no more than that.
While maybe from a male point of view that is acceptable (I don't know, you tell me?), it puts a major rift in the trust between two married people.
What think you of that?
Maybe it does but I try to avoid bourgeois platitudes and thus there are more questions begged.
Do we trust the young lady's integrity.What does "married" mean in this case?
It isn't really fair anyway to comment on individual cases which don't sound ideal in the first place.
Do you tend to take what people tell you as giving the whole picture?
spendy you still here
for gods sake man its nearly 9 of the clock in my bit of England and
why are you not pouring the beer down your knek?
I'm on my way Steve.Hot bath first right now-gets the thirst fine honed.
I'm hoping Carole and Shell turn up again.It's like talking to two penguins.Really funny.But charming all the same.
How out of it do you get on Friday?
To quote Spendi- "What does "married" mean in this case?" Seems a funny question, but I suppose when I have all the facts & you don't, it's a valid enough question. My how this goes on! Shall I answer or shall we just leave it as it stands.
The 'cz' story was more a metaphor like the dancing couple on the cake. I guess I meant to say that in this case, the false diamond represented a false promise of sorts wheher intended or not.
Or shall we talk of something else?
Yeah-anything you wish.And a while to do it if it takes your fancy as it is almost time for me to depart.If all goes well I shall return in a couple of hours.The only trouble is that whatever subject you choose will end up in the same place as the last one unless it is treated superficially and doing that goes nowhere and everywhere at the same time.
Do you think you can think of a subject which I can't drift into the shore of the battle of the sexes possibly without you hardly noticing?
Dare I think it even possible? Is there a subject you care to talk about and treat lightly or one we could possibly actually delve into?
If you read this before you go, I'll hope you ponder it at the pub! Or otherwise, have a great Friday nite! I'm getting together tonite with a few friends and some wine myself! Ta!
A reverse question.But I can cope.
Yes.We could delve into steel production figures in Poland or bi-valve mollusc rock clinging or how bees tell other bees where the nectar is or socio-economic forces on aircraft carriers or colour matching charts in decor shops.
Do you fancy any of those?
Not really. Do you? (Dare I ask) What is really interesting to you?
Sexual politics.
Is there anything interesting outside of that?
Plenty! Besides sexual politics, I'm interested most in what makes people tick - as individuals and in group settings. I'm practicallya professional people watcher (NOT peeping Tom-ette!) I also like history of which I am a constant student.
Pick one?