Hi all!!!
Sorry to "post and run",..but duty called! (Dinner for 18

,..was supposed to be only ten,..thank goodness I stocked the pantry today!!

patiodog,.."the baby cheeses",..
quinn,.. Sorry, forgot about the cheese thing!,..but coffee's good!!
I got a really great espresso machine for Christmas!!

But pigging out on cheese at parties and double cheese/pepperoni pizza makes up for it!! :wink:
celticclover,..WELCOME!!!, Chococlate Yogurt,..hmmm, I'll have to give it a try!!
little_k,..I LOVE PIZZA,...made grilled pizza with smoked mozzarella and roasted mushrooms for an appetizer tonight,...mmmmmmmm!!

,..I'll make it at the next "Jerry Party"!! :wink:
roger,..I haven't had a good cheeseburger in ages,..think I might break out the meat grinder tomorrow!!!
cicerone imposter,..Well, I think you can tell alot about people from their eating habits,...but that's not important

. What's your absolute favorite food??s
Peace and Love,..I used to bring in alot of Spanish cheese at the last restaurant I worked in,..I'm interested as to which is the one you get,..maybe Roncal, or Tetilla??
bigdice,..I haven't had real Swedish Meatballs in years,....hmm, maybe while I have that meat grinder out tomorrow........
Cheers for now!!