Thu 16 Apr, 2015 03:24 pm
It is okay to ask for some money, but oh course paid it back?
My girlfriend is in the military. She takes home a good paycheck compared to mine which i work in retail, and I baby sit.
Sometimes I can be struggling, and i never ask for money, ever.
I feel like... when I tell her i only have 20 dollars for the week because bills and all... Living on my own, and being a full time student.
I dunno? Like... I wish she would just be like, "baby you need money? i got you." But instead she like, "that sucks."
Today I was looking at dresses, and i showed her. She like, "I like the floral one" and I am like, "Buy it for my birthday babyyy." And well she flipped, saying "ARE YOU KIDDING ME? WHY WOULD I EVER?"
I dunno... I feel I aren't a gold digger. But, like... whatever i guess. if she doesnt want to help. She doesn't have to. I know with my last boyfriend I helped him and he lived with his parents. Oh well.
Don't borrow money if you can at all avoid it. It colors a relationship in a way that nothing else does.
As for her not buying you what you asked for, for your birthday, maybe it's time you looked at this gal's overall record for generosity.
You can't make someone be generous.
This military gal is not going to be a generous lover, so don't expect her to be.
Find someone else who can pick up the clues that you want to be pampered.
Cheap lovers are the worst!!
(May I ask your ages?)
Your money problems are you own to solve - temporary or otherwise.
Wait a minute here. How does all of this relate to what you just posted based on this previous post on Monday? You're a very confused and confusing person into manipulation.