@Youwillneverknow ,
Issues are a nice way of putting it.
This guy is this close (holds thumb and forefinger less than an inch apart) to smacking you around.
This is not normal. It is not okay.
If you need permission to leave him, then consider it granted.
And then go away - if you have family or friends out of town, go visit them for a day or so. And get someone local to watch your place.
I ain't kiddin'. He sounds like the kind of guy who will trash your place or crash his car into yours.
If anything untoward like that happens, go to the cops and file a police report (and possibly even set a restraining order in motion). Do not pass go, do not collect $200.
And be happy that you didn't waste any more time with this potentially dangerous loser and that you didn't marry or have kids with him.