Oh, sh*t. I had a nice, long reply all typed in, then my server went down.
To answer you, deb...I don't think women look for the same things in relationships as men. Mindless adoration? No. Uncomplicated sex? Well, maybe. Um...and about those young men looking for older women...if you have any left lying around, send a couple over here, willya?
Yes, I think young women are more likely to look up to men. I know I was. They are also more likely to fall for their bullsh*t. superjuly will have to sort through the losers who can't handle relationships with equals, who want someone to control or influence, who retain adolescent body image preferences, and those married s.o.b.s who are looking for a little extracurricular activity. (But msolga has already covered that.) Perhaps she will get lucky and find an exception.
Of course I can understand why she'd be attracted. Older men (and women) are generally more confident, more comfortable with themselves, more interesting, and more experienced at pleasing the opposite sex. I don't blame her for wanting someone like that. The $64,000 question is...and I am assuming that superjuly is an attractive, intelligent young woman...why wouldn't the man be looking for those same traits in a woman?