@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:
giujohn wrote:
Quote:In my opinion, Barack Obama has been as decent a president** as people like Ronald Reagan or either of the George Bush's...and he has had to work in a political environment much, much more more toxic than any of those three.
More toxic than for W? Are you insane or are you just rewriting history again?
Yeah...WAY more toxic than what W faced. Even more toxic than Clinton did.
He's doing a fine job...all things considered.
How true, Frank. Under unusual obstacles, Obama has held his own and then some when considering how the GOP's designed plan from the get-go was to deliberately undercut the African American president. Yet, seeing as how Obama is the first of his kind to break the glass ceiling, one should have expected a certain amount of poisonous opposition. Obama broke the traditional mold, surpassing all white expectations for a minority in racist America.
George W Bush faced ridicule but he deserved it because let's face it, he wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer and easily manipulated by the shady duplicitous VP Dick Cheney who was the de Facto president of the US. W's syntax or malapropism, i.e., the mistaken use of a word in place of a similar-sounding one, frequently had unintentionally amusing effect. Pretty soon the entire world realized George W Bush should never have been president. That would not have been so bad but Cheney and the Neocons desire to invade Iraq, to get rid of Saddam Hussein and control Iraq's oil wells contracts, might be what has caused the ongoing current middle east upheaval today, but one would be hard put to hear an American official take the blame for what GWB/Cheney/Neocons started.
What Obama's presidency has shown is just how viciously mean-spirited the Republican Party is and the length they will go through to achieve their aim. It is so dispiriting to get a true picture of the people who run our government. The Republican falsehoods against Obama are a series of distortions, false quotations, misrepresentations, straw men, ad hominems and hypocrisy.
In a way, I'll be glad when President Obama's tenure is over as it hasn't been easy seeing the poison come his way. Obama's US Presidency was a victory won but what a price he's had to pay!