@Frank Apisa,
Hyperbole and exaggeration are not made any less deceptive by the intense motivation of their author.
Evidently we agree that Cruz is not acceptable to most Republicans.
Barack Obama did indeed get a great deal out of the political climate of 2008, and, as we have since seen, the country is much worse off as a result. Perhaps the difference is that Republicans are less credulous than Demnocrats and have better bullshit detectors.
There has not been a regular Legislative order budget for our government since Barack Obama took office.That was not the work of Republicans, despite all the rhetoric advancing that fiction. As Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid blocked votes on most legislation, apparently to protect Democrat Senators from having to make risky political choices. Now that this protection is gone, the President simply vetoes everything he opposes. It is only a sympathetic media that has allowed the fiction of exclusively Republican intransigence to get the mileage it did.
That the Republican Majority in the House (and now the Senate) opposed the President's policies is hardly new or original: Democrat controlled Congresses have behaved similarly under Republican Presidents. The chief difference now is the near absolute unwillingness of the Administration to either work with or listen to or in any way accomodate its political opposition. This has been unique in our recent history to the current Administration.
Obama has been remarkably successful in conmtrolling the terms of the politicasl discorse and changing the meaning of words to suit his cause. Formely recognized far left wing policies are now called moderate and simply adhering to the Constitution is called right wing extremism.
I don't imagine this will persuade you of anything, but who knows, just reading it might do you some good.