So, the god creates two people. These two people are allowed to eat of the fruit of any tree they want, except for one--the tree of knowledge. The god tells them that if they eat of the fruit of that tree, they will know good and evil and they will die. Now, if up to that point there was no rebellion, who would know what evil is, since it didn’t exist at the time? Also, why would the god put something in the garden, only to prohibit the eating of it? Who was it for? Frank is right; it was a sting. It was entrapment.
If, on the other hand, the rebellion took place before the god created the two people, why did the god create them, knowing that the rebellious angel was lurking and free to exert influence on the two people, thus tripping them up?
And if the point is that the god warned the two people, thereby absolving itself of responsibility for the welfare of the two people, what is the difference between that and a human warning his/her children of the poisonous snake in the backyard but refusing to remove the threat? At any rate, according to the story, the humans were a time bomb when it came to being subject to rebellion.
According to the story, what it the penalty for rebellion?