What good does religion offer the world today?

Mon 5 Mar, 2018 07:23 am
Biology and medicine were, for the earliest days, running as more spiritual nd myth based studies. 

True of all sciences. Astronomy was born out of astrology, chemistry of alchemia, etc.
Mon 5 Mar, 2018 07:24 am
I really think that due to procreation and child birth that questions of human sexual biology preceded the question of what are rocks made of.

Biological functions and preening long preceded farming and astronomy.

Why do people die was asked long before what is fire. Smile
Mon 5 Mar, 2018 07:27 am
Nobody knows what questions went through what people's head first...
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Mon 5 Mar, 2018 09:57 am
The difference is nobody takes David Icke seriously, nobody over here at least. The NRA is taken very seriously over there. Given the choice between David Icke and school shootings, I'd choose David Icke.
Mon 5 Mar, 2018 10:21 am
True of all sciences. Astronomy was born out of astrology, chemistry of alchemia, etc
Exactatically. The origins of the myth basis of all sciences makes a lower limit to say when that discipline became a real science evidence and quantitation based.

Just because a mother qworried about her baby and a shamna came over and poured red clay dust on them, that is hardly "science".

We can have relatively accurate dates for when something crossed the line into true science.
I think Im becoming oralloy on this so I will discuss it on PM , not furthr here on the boards so we dont sound like him.
Mon 5 Mar, 2018 10:29 am
Sometimes babies get curred this way, though. My father is a case in point. The doctor gave up on him, and his mother saved him by applying a traditional remedy (egg yoke and coffee). A number of modern cures were based on shaman/medecine men recipes. It's not so easy to separate "science" from "prescience", not so clearcut.
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Mon 5 Mar, 2018 10:32 am
I really think that due to procreation and child birth that questions of human sexual biology preceded the question of what are rocks made of.
I do too. However"sexual biology" probably DID not precede the understanding of an atlatl's function which, by its clever design, where the head separated from the shaft which could add more "point"impact onto its target. The physics of trajectories associated with the throwing and lever arm was derived by trial and error, a precursor to the scientific method.
Mon 5 Mar, 2018 11:07 am
Nobody takes Theresa May or Brexit seriously? Please mind the skeletons in your own closet first.
Mon 5 Mar, 2018 11:18 am
The use of a reed to fish for eggs in the mud was derived by scientific method first. Your implication is that science is only a couple thousand years old.

I tend to not agree with your assessment.

Lucy the Australopithecus ape used scientific method and analytic thinking to fish for sea eggs long before humans evolved.

I think your window on scientific method is a bit narrow.

Even writing was developed long before the physics of trajectory was envisioned.

Over 4000 years ago the Babylonian magi planned out the floor plans for the hanging gardens. Architecture (a pure science) surely preceded physics.

Counting is something mothers of all species do to keep track of their
offspring... Mathematics is science too.
Mon 5 Mar, 2018 11:28 am
Apparently the NRA is supplying all of Europe's military with their weaponry for wars and mass murder too.

Someone over there sure is taking them seriously.

But it is not enough to supply nations both friend and foe with weapons the NRA also needs to supply neighbors and children with them too...

I think the philosophy is that if the NRA doesn't sell these weapons to Europe and their enemies someone else will.

It is referred to as "making hay while the sun shines"...
Mon 5 Mar, 2018 11:45 am
The NRA aren't doing that, various arms manufacturers are. Our military don't shoot up our schools.
Mon 5 Mar, 2018 11:57 am
What do Theresa May or Brexit have to do with any of this?

You started this off by postulating the simplistic Religion bad Science good ideology.

In order to back this up you chose extreme examples that only occur in American churches.

And when I pointed out that guns and mass shootings were a result of America's gun culture, not religion, you brought up first David Icke and now Theresa May.

You are incapable of formulating a coherent argument. We're not discussing what's wrong with Britain and America and why one may be worse than the other, but whether or not religion is responsible for all the World's ills.

It's not by the way, that's personal/corporate greed. Religion can give a handy reason, motivation but it's not the underlying factor.
Mon 5 Mar, 2018 12:08 pm
Isn't Theresa May Britain's poster child for the religious right?

Your country has collapsed under the weight of religious zealots.
Mon 5 Mar, 2018 12:12 pm
No, your schools are too busy shooting up drugs, for the moment.

Britain the worst in Europe for drug use

One is a more slow and agonizing death but still death none-the-less.
Mon 5 Mar, 2018 12:53 pm
I wont do a seriatem on you but some comments are certainly required
"Scientific Method" is a fingerprinted documented procedure. Any evidence that a "Scientific Method" was utilized in tool design is welcome.(Im really not sure where youre going with Lucy as a "Fisherperson"). Im really not aware of any such aptitude by A. afarensis(or any other "...pithecus")

I hve an entire table of Typology and lithic sources from Ardipithecus to H. s.s.. The first lithic typology on which I have references still goes no farther back than H Heidelbergensis. (Nother words, youve got some data new to archeology sir/or Ma'm).

As far as architecture, is art or engineering science?? Opinions vary widely. I do know that plns for architecture were one thing that Leonardo had given us. Before Leonardo, there may have been renderings of builldings and temples , but these were drawings on the finished temples, hardly plans of the place. AND we know that, by trial and error, the great pyramids only got it right after several major failures in construction.

So we disagree. If you bring it up Ill answer in a PM so as not to disturb the thread.
Mon 5 Mar, 2018 01:45 pm
Absolute bollocks. This is one of the least religious counties in the World.

You started this with the extreme argument that no good can come of religion. The truth is that many decent people have been inspired to do good because of their faith.

You won't accept that, but instead of admitting that you might be wrong you become very nasty and try to change the subject, even going so far as contradicting yourself. You initially claimed that scientists had to take the Hippocratic oath. That's bollocks. Then you claimed that medicine was the basis of science, also bollocks because now you claim that fishing is the basis of science.

All this nonsense because you can't admit to ever being wrong about anything. I bet you're a bloody nightmare to live with.
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Mon 5 Mar, 2018 01:50 pm
The Daily Mail? Really? You're reduced to quoting that fascist pile of bollocks.

Next you'll be quoting Fox News. ( more reliable source btw.)

Wikipedia editors have voted to ban the Daily Mail as a source for the website in all but exceptional circumstances after deeming the news group “generally unreliable”.

The move is highly unusual for the online encyclopaedia, which rarely puts in place a blanket ban on publications and which still allows links to sources such as Kremlin backed news organisation Russia Today, and Fox News, both of which have raised concern among editors.

The editors described the arguments for a ban as “centred on the Daily Mail’s reputation for poor fact checking, sensationalism and flat-out fabrication”.


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cicerone imposter
Mon 5 Mar, 2018 03:52 pm
As far as architecture, is art or engineering science??

I believe it's all three.
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Mon 5 Mar, 2018 04:52 pm
farmerman wrote:
oralloy wrote:
In my experience it is the environmental movement that is the greatest obstacle when it comes to nuclear power, not the conservatives.

Chernobyl is an effective counter to that belief.

The environmental movement is the primary source of opposition to nuclear reactors in America.

They are also the reason why we have to store nuclear waste instead of using it as fuel for sodium-cooled fast reactors.
Mon 5 Mar, 2018 04:57 pm
It's been awhile since I've seen this bug where you have to bump threads.
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