I wont do a seriatem on you but some comments are certainly required
"Scientific Method" is a fingerprinted documented procedure. Any evidence that a "Scientific Method" was utilized in tool design is welcome.(Im really not sure where youre going with Lucy as a "Fisherperson"). Im really not aware of any such aptitude by A. afarensis(or any other "...pithecus")
I hve an entire table of Typology and lithic sources from Ardipithecus to H. s.s.. The first lithic typology on which I have references still goes no farther back than H Heidelbergensis. (Nother words, youve got some data new to archeology sir/or Ma'm).
As far as architecture, is art or engineering science?? Opinions vary widely. I do know that plns for architecture were one thing that Leonardo had given us. Before Leonardo, there may have been renderings of builldings and temples , but these were drawings on the finished temples, hardly plans of the place. AND we know that, by trial and error, the great pyramids only got it right after several major failures in construction.
So we disagree. If you bring it up Ill answer in a PM so as not to disturb the thread.