I think you suggested homosexuality was something that could be resisted. That only works if you're not really gay, just confused. I've always known I was straight, no homosexual desires at all, that's probably why I'm not frightened of gays. I'm confident in my sexuality, the most virulent homophobes tend to be closets.
Why would God make something sinful if it only affects certain people, and why would he make certain people gay in the first place? It doesn't make sense. Just because I'm not attracted to men doesn't make me any more virtuous than some of my gay mates who aren't attracted to women. If there is a God, and assuming he doesn't make mistakes, he made people gay for a reason, the same reason he made some people have a particularly low sex drive. For some people it's natural to be gay for others straight, bi or celibate. It's not a sin accepting what you are, it's the natural order of things. Just accept it and get on with your own life, what other people get up to in the privacy of their own bedrooms is no concern of yours.