Sat 14 Mar, 2015 06:59 pm
Just wondering if anyone is in the same boat as I am. I had a mirena iud put in in December 17, I hated it so much I had it removed February 4th . I still had my period with it, and i got it right after I had the iud removed on the 5th it started for 4 days. I am now 6 days late for my period this month, and thinking back on the past few weeks, I had a butterfly tingling feeling in my ovaries just for a little bit on and off for a day or two, around the 23rd, and now am very tired, and I have cramps but no period, white discharge ( sorry tmi) and the odd pulling in my uterus it feels like. I noticed two days ago my breasts got larger and I touched my nipple and white fluid came out of both of them. I have taken a few tests and they are negative. Is there a chance I'm pregnant or is it probably my body getting used to not having the iud??
You took two pregnancy tests and they both came up negative. You can get a more definitive answer from your doctor. That should set your mind at ease.
Like Jespah said: go see your ob/gyn!
that's strange but I am not sure if you're pregnant. to be sure, make sure you see your OB