She Takes my breath away...

Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2015 05:01 pm
Sure I did on this thread and many others..................

Teenage lovers of roughly equal age should not come under the CP laws and while there should be punishments for having underage pictures even 17 years underage picture that punishment should be very very mild for having near legal pictures and going from there for more sick pictures.

As I had said over and over I tend to agree with your nation laws and the punishments under those laws.

No where should the punishment for having those sick pictures should be greater then for those who rape children however.

A sentence of 30 years for a Miami firefighter who there is no reason to think harm one child directly in his life is an insane misused of the resources of the criminal justice system in my opinion.
Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2015 05:06 pm
Occasionally I can understand the old (and maybe ongoing, I don't know) practice of sending a teenage son to a prostitute as a kind of baptism. Might take the edge off.
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Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2015 06:00 pm
Unlike you I don't obsessively follow different countries' child exploitation and pornography laws. However, I don't think any country's laws are designed to criminalise children, but to protect them from the sort of adults who obsessively follow different countries' child exploitation and pornography laws.

In other words it's a straw man. The example you give is not of a child or teenager, but of an adult. What he does for a living is completely irrelevant. You would have a point if, like some others have argued, you're saying America's penal system is unduly harsh. But you don't, you argue for capital punishment, and have argued that it should still be carried out when there is unexamined DNA evidence that could overturn the guilty verdict.

The example you choose is one of a paedophile viewing child abuse, not the black prisoner in Angola Jail illegally held in solitary confinement since 1971.

Your choice speaks volumes about you. You have no problems with harsh punitive laws at all unless the criminals in question are child abusers, then it's an injustice. You regard the disproportionate amount of black inmates as proof that black people are more criminally inclined, not because your justice system is institutionally racist.

You only care about things that affect you, and harsh sentencing for paedophiles clearly worries you.

You've still not answered the question, because you daren't. It's clearly significantly younger than one day before someone's 18th birthday, just how much is something you're going to keep to yourself because you don't want people to know what you are.
Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2015 06:03 pm
ossobuco wrote:

I'm more interested, by far, in the situation with emoboy, agreeing with ehBeth and Contrex.

You're right, the topic has nothing whatsoever to do with viewing naked images of minors, but like I said previously, BillRM never misses an opportunity to talk about his favourite subject, child pornography.

And whenever he brings it up, I'll point out why he brings it up.
Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2015 06:27 pm
I'm sorry, I just can't stand it any longer. Reistance is futile.

I don't know what to say...

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Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2015 08:04 pm
However, I don't think any country's laws are designed to criminalise children, but to protect them from the sort of adults who obsessively follow different countries' child exploitation and pornography laws.

Sorry but the US CP laws are being used against children or at least teens in relationship to sexting.



Seeing the potential danger in an expansion of sexting, prosecutors have charged minors for sexting under state child pornography laws. In Indiana in 2010, a thirteen-year-old girl and a twelve-year-old boy were charged with child exploitation and possession of child pornography for sending each other nude pictures.12 In Pennsylvania, one prosecutor charged ten minors in two sexting cases in 2010.13 In Florida, a sixteen-year-old girl was adjudicated delinquent on charges of producing, directing or promoting a photograph or representation that she knew included sexual conduct of a child after she and her seventeen-year-old boyfriend took nude pictures of themselves engaged in sexual conduct and emailed them to each other.14 The Florida appeals court upheld the decision, citing common justifications for sexting prosecution: (1) “that prosecuting the child under the statute in question is the least intrusive means of furthering the State’s compelling interest”15 in protecting the exploitation of children,16 (2) that psychological trauma to the teenagers involved may result from these videos,17 and (3) that the “appellant was simply too young to make an intelligent decision about engaging in sexual conduct and memorializing it.”18

Many state laws allow for prosecution of minors engaged in sexting under state child pornography laws.19 Under current Ohio law, a minor who is caught creating, distributing, or possessing an explicit image of a minor (either himself/herself or another) could face a felony child pornography charge.20 Similarly, in Michigan, a child could be charged under state pornography laws for creating, possessing, or distributing sexually explicit images of a minor child—again, allowing for the prosecution of the minor child who created or was pictured in the image.21
Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2015 09:39 pm
for the record contrex was being a bit of a douche, I had to stand up for myself, i'm not a stalker, and as for my name I just randomly come up with it
Reply Mon 16 Mar, 2015 02:44 am
Your cases do not detail any sentencing. If children as young as 12 and 13 are sending such material they obviously have had their value system warped in some way. Chances are there's an abuser in the shadows. Perhaps with your judicial system prosecution is the best way to protect the children.

It's still a straw man, you're bothered about it for purely selfish reasons..

You still won't answer the question.
Reply Mon 16 Mar, 2015 06:21 am
There may be abusers in the shadows and if so the state came along and abused them some more.

An whether there are abusers or not putting them into the court system alone with such charges no matter what the outcome is .abusing children.

Help could have been given to them and their families by way of CPS without any need to charge them with CP. Any abusers if there are any could have also been charge without the need to charge those children.

Sorry but the state in those cases are the abusers not the protectors of those and other children.

The US have ten times the numbers of our citizens behind bars per capital then the UK and there is a reason for that and it is not due to you being so more law abiding on average then we are.

Sex texting is common among middle to late teens and as the laws are, for the most part, now written any one of the millions of teens that does so can find their lives ruin.

They are all entering a lottery to have the state come down on them for doing so.

I once more have no problem with sane CP laws that are apply in a sane manner but the US at the moment does not have sane CP laws nor as the examples I already posted are the laws being apply in a sane manner.

Therefore my advice to the poster of this thread to strictly obey those insane laws in the US and if he does end up having a legal sexual relationship with that 17 years old young woman not to even think of having sexual pictures of her.
Reply Mon 16 Mar, 2015 08:22 am
My my one vote down so there are someone other then you IZZY who think that charging a 12 and a 13 years old with child porn charges is a correct way to handle such a situation?

Or maybe they do not like my warning the young gentleman to obey such laws to the letter as you can not depend on the state to exercise commonsense on who they will charge with such crimes?
Reply Mon 16 Mar, 2015 08:46 am
Not your name. The girl's name.
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Reply Mon 16 Mar, 2015 10:21 am
I never said I agreed with charging 12-13 years olds, just that they should be protected from people like you.
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Reply Mon 16 Mar, 2015 12:46 pm
Welcome to A2K, I see you just joined. This doesn't have to be complicated, if you know the girl's brother, ask him to introduce you. Unless you think he will kick your butt because he wouldn't like you anywhere near his sister. If that's the case, look elsewhere.
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Reply Mon 16 Mar, 2015 07:09 pm
What's on your mind, guys?
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Reply Thu 19 Mar, 2015 02:38 pm
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