Republican or Democrat?

Reply Wed 25 Dec, 2002 08:43 am
Well, 'common sense' is something which the best among us have, and usually in such levels of rich abundance that it becomes quite clear the total supply must be limited, as the others possess so frustratingly little of it.
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Reply Wed 25 Dec, 2002 09:01 am
"i'm not a member of any organized political party, i'm a democrat"
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Reply Wed 25 Dec, 2002 10:58 am
Mencken is just about everyone's favorite curmudgeon (any doubt why my signature quote is by ole H.L.?)

Ambrose Bierce is another favorite of mine:

Conservative, n. A statesman who is enamored of existing evils, as distinguished from a liberal who wants to replace them with others.
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Reply Wed 25 Dec, 2002 01:52 pm
lightwizard, the book talks about Bierce as well.
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Merry Andrew
Reply Wed 25 Dec, 2002 09:16 pm
Lightwizard -- I somehow knew that we had more in common than just a love of good movies. H.L. and Ambrose are two of my all-time heroes. Ernest Hemingway, in The Sun Also Rises has one of the main characters describe Mencken as a "garter-snapper." Coming from the humorless Hemingway this sounds almost like a wistful left-handed compliment, as though ol' Ernie 'Emorroid wished that he, too, could snap a garter with some panache.
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Reply Wed 25 Dec, 2002 10:09 pm
Garter-snapper - absolutely!

The third on that list is Fran Leibowitz.

"Randomness scares people. Religion is a way to explain randomness."

These belong, of course, in the quotation section, but another one on democracy:

"The substitution of election by the incompetent many for appointment of the corrupt few."

-George Bernard Shaw
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Reply Wed 25 Dec, 2002 10:55 pm
I feel left out because I've never read Mencken. Can either of you recommend a single 'must read'?
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Reply Thu 26 Dec, 2002 11:36 am
A good little paperback on Mencken's political views:

H. L. Mencken: On Politics

If you enter "Mencken" on Amazon, there's a lot to choose from including a new biography.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 26 Dec, 2002 12:09 pm
LW et al, Do you think Mencken was a bigot? c.i.
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Reply Thu 26 Dec, 2002 12:54 pm
I've never read anything that would leave me to believe he was a bigot -- at least not any more than Mark Twain who wrote some scathing denunciations of politics and religion later in his life.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 26 Dec, 2002 01:38 pm
I guess Mencken lambasted everybody including whites, so we really can't tag him as a bigot. Here's a prettygood link that explains it. http://www.ruthlessreviews.com/secondmencken.html
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Reply Thu 26 Dec, 2002 01:47 pm
I am and have always been a registered Democrat. However, my vote goes to the candidate with whom I most closely identify. Be they Democrat or Republican.
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Merry Andrew
Reply Thu 26 Dec, 2002 02:25 pm
c.i. -- Mencken, from time to time, has been accused of being an anti-Semite. Some of his pronouncements on the Jews have led sensitive people to this conclusion. But Alistair Cooke, in his memoir Four Men points out that almost all of Mencken's closest friends were Jewish. Apparently he could write negatively about certain aspects of Judaism that did not appeal to him, yet never let this carry over into his personal relationships. I have not heard of his being accused of bias towards any other ethnic group in particular.
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Reply Thu 26 Dec, 2002 02:41 pm
Mencken was not a bigot, he had the same distain for all men(women)
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Reply Thu 26 Dec, 2002 02:54 pm
Mencken had no distain for men or women as individuals, only in their thoughts and actions which produced hypocrisy and other evils. Aiming his criticism at religion, it was at all of organized religion (still an oxymoron for me), not just the Hebrew religion -- especially the human egomania that this world and its reality was created especially for us.
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Reply Thu 26 Dec, 2002 03:26 pm
Here is an article on Mencken's diary. Appears he might have been more of a bigot than people knew, he just toned it down in his columns. Been an interesting discussion on this man that I have just now learn a lot about. Seems he was a libertarian in the truest sense of the description!

I forgot to add the article: Embarrassed Embarrassed Embarrassed

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cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 26 Dec, 2002 03:54 pm
Merry Andrew, But it's my understanding that Mencken was one of the first to speak out against the mistreatment of Jews in Germany. With so many inconsistencies, it's hard to conclude he was an anti-Semite or a bigot. c.i.
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Merry Andrew
Reply Thu 26 Dec, 2002 09:54 pm
I quite agree, c.i. I don't think Mecken was a bigot in any meaningful sense of the word. He said and wrote what he believed to be true and had no reticence about stepping on people's toes, if those toes were in his way. He was definitely not 'politically correct.' Mercifully, the phrase had not yet been coined.
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Reply Mon 30 Dec, 2002 02:01 pm
For those who are interested, the biographer William Manchester spent most of his days in Mencken's company in the last days of Mencken's life. His observations on the man are well worth reading, although i'm sad to say i have no copy of what i read many years ago, so i might have to hunt around for a citation.
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Reply Mon 30 Dec, 2002 03:40 pm
Merry Andrew
Don't know much about Mecken however I do know that every bigot believes what he says.
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