And we need a racist Republican who hates the poor, hates the middle class and caters only to the rich to fix it. (cynical)
This link tell a different story. It seems there are a lot of poor red state cities...
And deadbeat red state mayors too...
The Top Ten Poorest Cities In America
Feds taking a look at Aaron Schock’s spending
Birds of a feather...
We cannot afford another election where 40% of the democratic voters do not even show up to vote...
Maybe time to ditch the unions (to a certain extent) and focus on the voters instead. Focus on the integrity and transparency of the vote. Is the vote corrupted by technology? Can I check and see my vote has not been changed online? I don't care if my vote is anonymous, I care if my vote is counted...
Honest people don't care about privacy they care about constitutional government.
Checks and balances...
There isnt a democrat alive who believes that the swing voters will elect another lefty next cycle in the face of the ISIS threat, a nuclear Iran, and after they were lied to about obamacare.
The Dems only can handle radical Islam because they do not compromise the US Constitution. The Republicans are buffoons, monkey$...
Yeah? Guess obammy hasnt read the seperation of powers clause huh?
Watch: Obama Destroys 6 Years of Republican Obamacare Lies With 1 Joke
Quote:Watch: Obama Destroys 6 Years of Republican Obamacare Lies With 1 Joke
Obammy IS the joke! A cruel one, played on the American public and the world.
Wanna bet if the deserter gets jail that Obammy pardons him?
Who will pardon the Republicans?
A dyed in the wool democratic politician...what else would she say.
Thats a load of horse pucky. Prove it.