Ah, OK. Well, if both your names are on the lease, I don't see how she has a legal right to block you from free access to it without something like a restraining order. (If she'd taken on out on you, you'd know it. It would have been delivered to you personally.)
I understand that you don't want to burn bridges, but it looks like she may have already made up her mind to do so by locking you out. I have to say that it looks pretty strongly like what somebody posted above is true, that she's stringing you along by making you believe that there's still a chance, while she's getting her escape route set up for a soft landing, regardless of how much hardship you're going through in the meantime. I mean, if she were actually still in the decision-making process, why would she lock you out? (Unless you'd been showing up and creating conflict, I guess.)
Anyway, I'm just a random guy on the internet. No expertise or special insight claimed here. Best of luck to you both/all, whatever turns out to be the case.