I understand exactly what you are saying.
I don't agree with putting so many "maybes" of every situation that the subject becomes an exercise in being so inoffensive as to be meaningless.
When I listed back all those "maybe maybe maybe's" It was in the intent to show just that. That anything that is said can be taken and torn assunder by so many maybes, in the effort to avoid any sort of discomfort for yourself, or thinking you are avoiding it for others, actually becomes offensive to those that chose to look at reality.
Think about it ponderer.
The mere fact (no maybe's involved) that I stated the truth that "this tread is over 4 years old", is the cause of all this. The person I addressed it to responded with a smile, and no insult was given or taken between the 2 of us.
It was our exchange, between me and vikkor.
In due course, a person not even addressed (Kaylie) felt the need to make excuses for pulling up an old thread (one that had no particular meat on it in the first place, just another "does she like me?" thread from years ago, and a rescuer (you) appears. The rescuer, in an attempt to, well, I'm really not sure what you were attempting.....to make it not true the thread was started years ago and abandoned? To "save" someone any even potential slight discomfort of realizing they perhaps innocently didn't notice the last post was old? By throwing out so many "maybes" to cover so many potential bases that even the poster told you to back off? Kaylies exact words addressed to you ponderer, were "i can handle things just fine without you interfearing" She's right. She can handle herself. She can make up her own mind what she thinks of you, me, or anyone else. She also told you to stop making her out to be small and childish. My opinion is she didn't appreciate all your "maybe's" any more than I did.
I pointed out that if she feels others are making her out to be small and childish, to question why she feels that way. I think Kaylie can take in that information, and not fall apart. I really do.
It doesn't seem to me that Kaylie needs any protection from big bad Chai making a 7 word statement of truth. This thread is over 4 years old. Plain and simple.
So my questions to you ponderer are: Why do you feel the need to interfere, even after told by the person you think are rescuing to stop?
Why do you feel justified if encasing someone who can obviously think for themselves, and express their needs, with so many layers of cotton battings of "maybes", yet you allow not one "maybe" but instead claim to know what I "obviously" meant?
Our new friend here has actually told you to back off, and to stop saying things that make her small and childish.
She has told me she is not trying to be rude to me.
My belief is that Kaylie is someone with a great capacity for thought. I believe she's new at the game of questioning things around her, yet can definately make her desires known. I believe I could grow to quite like her. If she gets a little pissed off at me, or I at her.....well, that's a good way to really get to truths, and clear the air.
Personally I much perfer that to someone who picks, chooses and decides for others who is allowed an unlimited supplies of cloying "maybes" and what other people "obvious" intents are.