Wed 16 Jun, 2004 01:09 pm
I just met a wonderful lady.that is probaly the best person I've ever met,however she has cancer and told me about it in time to get out.What are some thoughts on this.What would you do ?
Wonderful, and about the best person you've ever met. I think you've said a lot there. I think I'd want to spend more time with that person.
I think that o.k.'s directed at me.
Bigboy sent me a p.m. in response to my post, and I asked if we could continue discussing his question here.
I'm going to have to sign off for a bit, but I'll be back to continue from Bigboy's p.m.
the last I knew everyone is terminal.
Death comes to us all--"until death do us part" is written into the marriage service. I'd venture a guess that these days in The States, that more marriages end in divorce than death. Still, people get married.
Living with a potentially fatal illness makes every day of life more precious, more intense. Some people can handle "potentially fatal"--and some people want the "guarantee" of "happily ever after".
They've never read the fine print. We have a right to pursue happiness, but no "right" to attain it.
If this woman will enrich your life--and you can enrich hers, there is no reason that you can't be together "until death do us part".
Five minutes with the best is better than five years with the so-so. Spend as much time as you can with this lady, enjoy every moment and give her your undivided attention. Never let the small stuff interfere. Doing this, you will enrich each other's lives. No mater how long you live, you only have now to live in.
Then when you do have to part, you will have no regrets, only beautiful memories that last forever.
Something similar happened to a neighbor of mine. She started seeing a widower, who not too soon after they started going together, developed multiple myeloma.
They married, and had five glorious months together before he died. My neighbor said that those months were the happiest in her life.
Thanks for the positive input ya'll,I'm going to give it a try(she may outlive me)
bigboy- You are new, so I am sure that you don't know this about me. I was supposed to be dead from cancer in 1994. I showed those doctors!
I'm proud of you!
I'm a cancer survivor too. I have not checked is there a thread out there for us?
Hey phoenix, this lady was given 6 mos to live 22 years ago,I glad both of you are still here
22 years ago?! Wow. Is there anything new to suggest that the prognosis has suddenly become more dire?
after several surgerys to remove the cancer she has 2 inoperable brain tumors
Oh... that's sad. Brain tumor is a hard one, too, because it has the potential to change her very personality.
She does know about the Gamma Knife, right? (New technology to address "inoperable" tumors -- my sister-in-law had it, is doing quite well.)
bigboy - Bottom line, it is up to you. If this woman means a lot to you, then you may get a lot of satisfaction from seeing her through this illness, no matter what the outcome. If she is not that important to you, why bother? Only YOU know what is inside your heart.
Dont know yet,just met her
bigboy - you've just met a woman who you think is one of the best ever. Wouldn't it be a shame to not get to know her better? We all lose people in expected and unexpected ways. There's never a good time to say goodbye to people we care about - no matter how long we've known them.
I understand there's a little extra unease when you're faced with a serious diagnosis and an apparently time-limited prognosis. I think that's a very natural and human feeling. There's nothing wrong with that, IMnsHO.
Probably healthy for you to acknowledge that you're scared/uncomfortable about what the future holds.
But - you've said she's wonderful, and that's unusual enough to think about whether you want to miss spending time with her.