I do not know of any economic system driven by morality.
I do not see how any economic system would and or could be fair, capitalistic or socialistic.
The problem to me seems to lie in our need to fulfill our individual drives and at the same time to meet our social needs which at times are in conflict.
The lack of being able to see a long term resolutions verses short terms and immediate needs, perceived or not I think. Those would seek and plan long term solutions verses those who can't or not willing.
In my misguided youth I once worked in Retail selling hardware, paint, lightning, furniture and flooring etc, you get he picture. This was a chain store and beside having a base salary we worked on a commission. The store I was assigned to as my main store, my associate ad I decided we would share our commissions giving us the opportunity to take care of our other duties like inventory, sells and cashiering etc, without fighting and tripping over each other to meet our commission quotas. It worked for us because we were of the same mind.
During the vacation periods I was often assign to other stores to cover when one of their salesperson was on vacation, many of these other store used individual based commission which meant each had to hustle for your commission and take care of your other duties as well, for me this was not a problem. I always made my commissions, so either environment worked well for me.
one might conclude that this was an experimentation in working in a capitalist setting and working in a socialistic setting and perhaps it is fair to state that it is too small a sample to make any major opinions about capitalism systems verse socialism system,s but it is the components of the system that make or break that system. In this case it is the individuals that compose the systems that determines whether if it succeeds or fails perhaps. That is what i take and conclude in my humble opinion, and nothing more than my humble and ignorant opinion.
And if it is the components, the people, that determine the outcome how do we correct the flaw? It would seem impossible if not monumental.