A blue eyed Russian talks to me in my dreams.
He says the Russian people need freedom, but I can see in his blue eyes a skunk.
I had a dream about shooting up a KKK meeting the night before Charlotte.
I remember the white sheets and a lot of red

Actually I lied, I did not shoot any gun in my dream... I had one, but I woke up before I pulled the trigger.
I was spared from this by the powers that be... but, just a few seconds more and I would have let 'em have it! lol
I closed my eyes and I saw thousands of eyes looking at me out of the darkness. They had no bodies, they were the eyes of my life, eyes familiar with my destiny and history. Family.
Old Norm he had this dream.
He never gave up on his dream,
He worked day and night.
'Cuz he was blinded by the light!
I said Eartha, do you have to sing everything?
Can't you speak like normal people do?!
And she sang again.
Some people have a long way to go.
Last night I dreamed I met Joni Mitchell, she was sitting on a V shaped couch with six other girls, she was about 20 years old, I sat with them and there was a long conversation as Joni casually spoke about life.
Then Joni walked up this street toward some Hollywood studio with huge glass windows. I and a large entourage of mostly women followed her as we sang her most obscure songs by heart and I knew every word. I could see her inside talking to executives, I am not sure why but I began to cry uncontrollably, I think I was too stoned and overwhelmed by awe.
The dream seemed to be going backwards in time.
Then I found myself in this rock club in a back studio room and met Carole King. Carole looked like she was only 16 years old and she was playing the piano for some A & R reps, her voice was so young and clear and I could barely recognize her.
I looked inside the rock club where a band that I only faintly recognized was playing on a stage with colored lights in front of a large crowd, they sounded like the band, "Oak".
I woke up bewildered and remembered the dream I had when I spoke with Jim Morrison and his words of truth.
Yes Jim, "We are highway men"...