Turning The Ballot Box Against Republicans

Reply Tue 15 Sep, 2015 03:45 pm
I would love to make some of the images I post smaller but that is not going to happen. I get those images from my liberal news outlets and bloggers on Facebook. If I were to try and make them smaller I would need to download the image, edit it and post it on an image hosting site like photobucket. Photobucket has a limit to how many images one can post there "free" then what happens is your oldest images suddenly are no longer active. So someone comes into this blog months later and all that would be here are inactive images.

If an image is too large I have the option of simply not posting it. Sometimes the content of the image is so relevant I say why not post it anyway. It is the bloggers and news agencies who pay to keep these linked images up nearly indefinitely.

Google has recently offered free unlimited image space. The problem with that is moving each image there and then editing it and then posting it here is a time consuming process. 80% of my time I spend making music. For now people will have to put up with occasionally a too large image. These images and cartoons are kept in the cloud and for me to edit them would mean they are in the cloud twice. Also they are not images I own the rights to edit. Facebook news sites are for the most part good at keeping the images small. I every day see less and less large images.

For a time Richard Dawkins was notorious for posting images that were too large, he has caught on too that Facebook recommends a certain smaller size image. But I often posted his images because they are some of the richest in intellectual content.

Rarely do I ever make my own graphics. The ones supplied daily on Facebook, and I see sometimes a thousand a day represent my own political leanings just fine. I only repost a tiny fraction of what I see.

When I see one that I feel will be appreciated here I simply repost it.

It is like telling Bobsal to keep his posts short.

He reposts news stores that often the link to them is elusive. So his posts are sometimes verbose in text. I look more to the content of his posts rather than the length. I am just glad Bobsal finds it in his daily schedule to post here and for that I am truly grateful.

No political party pays me to post here or anywhere else on the net.

I have many times refrained from posting images that are too large. Sometimes I have posted images too large. It depends on how rare a find I think the image is an how succinctly it explains current events in my mind.

So it is "a large courtesy" considering I would have to jump through hoops in order so you don't have to scroll. I hope your scroll finger does not get tired having to scroll past all the images I had to not only scroll through but then to maneuver to this page also. Rather than looking a gift horse in the mouth why not simply be grateful that someone is feeding this forum with vital items of content that advance the liberal cause?

You can complain to A2K and they can build into their software image resizing technology that Facebook already utilizes. Facebook resizes all images in your feed but keeps the original image size for download or linking. It is a much more complicated than you think and notice everyone else who posts images here also has the occasional large image to deal with in the very same way.

There is not much I will be willing to do other than keep plodding along as I have done and omitting large images except in some rare cases.

I am connected to over 10,000 news agencies on Facebook and it took me nearly 10 years to gather them all. So believe me I could be reposting images and news stories all day. I repost only a very tiny fraction of what I see. I post them to invoke discussion and learn from other minds. Rather than shooting the, volunteer messenger, consider focusing on the content of the images and adding some kind of response that gives the image (too large or too small) some credence. (Beauty is only skin deep.)

All the best to you Snood.

It must be nice too having the nasty republicans vote up your criticisms of me... (cynical)
Reply Tue 15 Sep, 2015 03:59 pm
Obamacare premiums soaring? No, not this year either

0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Sep, 2015 04:01 pm
Really dude, it ain't that serious. I was just trying to save my fingers some scrolling. Very Happy

Just for the record though, if you ever want to reduce the size of your graphics here, there is a simple way to do it that someone posted on A2K that doesn't involve any of those steps with photobucket or re-editing. If you're ever interested, you can just "Ask a Question" on A2K and I'm sure that person (can't remember who it was or what thread the instructions were on , or I'd just re-post it here for you) will tell you how to do it.
Reply Tue 15 Sep, 2015 04:10 pm
A Hunting Ban Saps a Village’s Livelihood

And whose livelihood exactly were the "now extinct" Malaysian rhinos threatening? Profits? This is crap!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Sep, 2015 04:13 pm
If there is an easier way I would like to know. I would be willing to add some sort of command to the post if that would work.

I am all for making the images more palatable to viewers if it does not involve too much editing.

If you could post I a link I would be interested in reading it.

Thanks Snood...
Reply Tue 15 Sep, 2015 05:05 pm
Sure he does. If he couldent make up stuff, lie, he wouldent be able to say anything. By the way I couldent list all his lying bullshyt yesterday because after the 4th lie, my 5th lie post, they put a 19 minute wait on me before I could post again. Bummer! So I'll just have to go back to calling him a liar once or twice a session.
Reply Tue 15 Sep, 2015 05:12 pm
My screen is only 12 inches wide on my laptop. Sometimes I have a hard time looking at your pitchers. No big deal. My memory isent long enough to go from one side to the other.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Sep, 2015 05:41 pm
ISIL existed in 2006.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Sep, 2015 05:49 pm
To change the size of the image just add a width to the img tag

quote to see how it was done.
TheCobbler wrote:

Paul (Gulch) Ryan

Reply Tue 15 Sep, 2015 07:36 pm
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Sep, 2015 08:46 pm
Okay I think I can handle that. I will try to make the images smaller, I very much so appreciate people checking in here. And anything I can do to make it easier to view the content is worth it to me.

I was wondering how to get the Washington post out of my Microsoft news feed. They kept lying about Hillary's numbers.

Washington Post finally admits Hillary Clinton is winning by a mile

I am still a Hillary voter!

I love Bernie but Hillary is the ticket!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Sep, 2015 08:58 pm
Another Rock Star Calls Out Trump For The Unauthorized Use Of Music

Roger Waters
Reply Tue 15 Sep, 2015 09:38 pm
As long as the fees for use were paid it is going to be very hard to sue trump or anyone else from using the music.

Copyright experts say you don't have to ask an artist's permission to play a popular song at your rallies — as long as the venue where you play it has what's known as a blanket license from the performing rights organizations ASCAP and BMI. Peter DiCola, who teaches law at Northwestern, says most public venues do have those licenses. But small or unconventional venues may not, including a few that are mentioned by name in the Survivor lawsuit.


RexRed of course can not be expected to have such knowledge based upon previous performance.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 16 Sep, 2015 05:51 am
Reply Wed 16 Sep, 2015 05:56 am
@bobsal u1553115,
But there is a more significant parallel that has gone unnoticed: Trump is running on essentially the same message as Reagan. Reagan insisted that America’s problems were not as complicated or intractable as everyone seemed to think. “For many years now, you and I have been shushed like children and told there are no simple answers to the complex problems which are beyond our comprehension,” Reagan said at his 1967 inauguration as governor of California. “Well, the truth is, there are simple answers—there are not easy ones.” He made a similar statement in his famous 1964 speech on behalf of Barry Goldwater, and he never wavered from it. The simple answer was to be tough—tough on cutting the budget, tough on domestic protesters, and above all, tough on the world stage. Reagan’s 1980 foreign-policy slogan promised “peace through strength.” He told audiences, “We have to be so strong that no nation in the world will dare lift a hand against us.” One Reagan campaign ad used the word “strength” or “strong” five times in the space of one minute.

Trump is proposing a comparable strategy. His suggested immigration policy—deport everyone who came to the U.S. illegally, build a wall on the southern border, and make Mexico pay for the wall—has garnered the most attention, but his other ideas follow a similar template. How to deal with ISIS? “You bomb the hell out of them,” then encircle them and take away the oil they control, he told Bill O’Reilly and Anderson Cooper in two separate interviews. “Once you take that oil, they have nothing left. And it’s so simple.” As far as manufacturing jobs going overseas, Trump used a hypothetical example of Ford threatening to build a plant in Mexico and promised he would put a 35 percent tariff on any Ford vehicle brought into the U.S. “It’s that simple,” he told a crowd in New Hampshire. “Believe me.” And on economic competition with China: “When was the last time anybody saw us beating, let’s say, China, in a trade deal? They kill us. I beat China all the time. All the time.”

Reply Wed 16 Sep, 2015 06:01 am
1. Like Reagan, Trump is a Washington outsider. Reagan was twice elected governor of California but never served in Congress. Trump has never held political office. And then as now, being an outsider is a virtue to voters who desperately want change.

2. Reagan was dismissed as a serious candidate, and so was Trump. "The establishment critics said the exact same things about Reagan," Jeffrey Lord, a former Reagan aide who is close to the Trump campaign, told The Telegraph. "Reagan was ridiculed as 'not serious' and a B-movie actor, and they said over and over he could never win — until he did. It's happening again. I really feel it."

3. Trump and Reagan were both attacked by the establishment as being extreme and simplistic. Yet people were so fed up with the state of the country under Jimmy Carter that Reagan beat him in a landslide. As Trump's showing in the polls demonstrates, people are once again fed up with establishment politics.

4. Trump shares Reagan's "passion" for what he believes in. Reagan son's Michael Reagan recently told Newsmax that Trump speaks with the kind of passion his father so brilliantly conveyed. "That's why America right now has surrounded Trump, in this case, because he's off the cuff and he speaks from his own passion."

5. Trump espouses similar views as Reagan on illegal immigration. Trump created controversy — and won support from many — for his outspoken comments about illegal immigration and the lack of border security. Reagan signed the Immigration Reform and Control Act in 1986, making it illegal to knowingly hire or recruit illegal immigrants and requiring employers to attest to their employees' immigration status.

6. Trump is a straight-talker, like Reagan. He doesn't hide behind political correctness, as his comments about illegal immigration demonstrate. Reagan talked to people from the heart and was dubbed The Great Communicator.

7. Trump began as a Democrat before becoming a Republican. Reagan, too, was initially a liberal Democrat, but he backed Dwight Eisenhower and Richard Nixon and went on to register as a Republican in 1964.

8. Trump, like Reagan, has been a TV star. Reagan hosted "General Electric Theater" in the 1950s and "Death Valley Days" in the 1960s. Trump found TV stardom with "The Apprentice" and "Celebrity Apprentice."

9. Trump seeks to follow in Reagan's footsteps and succeed a liberal, big-government Democratic president. And Barack Obama is even further to the left than Jimmy Carter was.

10. Trump and Reagan both opposed runaway public employees' unions. Trump told Bill O'Reilly that he thought Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is "doing what's right for his state" by reining in public workers' unions. Reagan in August 1981 fired more than 11,000 air traffic controllers after they went on strike in violation of a federal law barring government unions from striking.

11. Trump shares Reagan's overall aim as president: to make America great again. Trump said he began the process of trademarking the slogan "Make America Great Again" and criticized some of his GOP opponents for using it. Reagan prominently featured the slogan on his campaign materials.

12. Trump favors tax reduction, as did Reagan. The reduction in tax rates championed by "Reaganomics" sought to spur economic growth. Trump has called for a repeal of the estate tax, the lowering of taxes on capital gains and dividends, and reducing the corporate tax rate to zero to spur job growth.

13. Trump, like Reagan, is pro-life. In 1982, Reagan stated: "Simple morality dictates that unless and until someone can prove the unborn human is not alive, we must give it the benefit of the doubt and assume it is (alive). And, thus, it should be entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." Trump said in April 2011 that he was pro-life after years of being pro-choice.

14. Trump and Reagan both have defended gun rights and the Second Amendment. Reagan in 1986 signed the Firearm Owners Protection Act, which among other things ended federal records-keeping on ammunition sales. He said if we give up "that part of the Constitution" that is the Second Amendment, "we give up part of our freedom and increase the chances that we will lose it all." Trump told Breitbart News in April: "It is so important that we maintain the Second Amendment and that we maintain it strongly. And one of the main reasons is because the good people, the upstanding people, follow laws and norms, but the bad ones don't."

15. Reagan was the first president who had been divorced. President Trump would be the second. Reagan divorced Jane Wyman before marrying Nancy Davis in 1952. Donald and Ivana Trump divorced and he went on to wed Marla Maples in 1993 and Melania Knauss in 2004.

bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 16 Sep, 2015 07:02 am
Some of the Reagan family don't think so.

‘Look in the Mirror, Fat Boy’ Ronald Reagan’s sons discuss Donald Trump and 2016
Source: Politico

By ELIZABETH F. RALPH September 16, 2015

Elizabeth Ralph: … You mentioned earlier that you felt a kind of disgust that Republicans had appropriated your father in this way.

RR: That was about the comparisons between Donald Trump and my father… This egotistical, narcissistic guy with the weird comb over swanning in his private plane. … Trump doesn’t seem to be able to help himself from making comments about women that are just—this latest thing with Fiornia, I mean, come on. Are you kidding? I mean, look in the mirror, fat boy. Look at that hair, you’re ridiculous! Where do you get off talking on anybody’s appearance? …

ER: People talk about how Donald Trump is just a symbol of the new media age, where in order to break through, you have to make comments like that.

RR: The media decides what the new media era is, of course. Trump may be exploiting it, but it’s all the rest of us that decide what this is. We’ve decided that we want to pay a lot of attention to this guy—who, frankly, we all know is an idiot. He’s been around for a long time. He doesn’t know anything about anything. Maybe real estate, I’ll give him that. Other than that, not really a clue about anything. He was the head of the whole birther movement, for God’s sake. He was the chief flack for that. He’s a joke. He’s not even admired among people like him. Other titans of industry and billionaires and what-have-you, they don’t respect Donald Trump. He’s like the class clown kind of guy. So why are we giving this guy the time of day? It’s amusing that we are. It’s certainly not helping the Republican Party any. But really, why are we pretending this is a serious man who may end up in the Oval Office? No, he’s not. No he won’t.

…He’s a huckster. All of his books have been about The Art of the Deal and selling people an image. I don’t know if he’s even really talented at any of that stuff, but let’s give him the benefit of the doubt and say that he is. That’s what he brings to the table here, then. He’s a con man. So sure, like any snake oil salesman he can con a segment of the electorate. The Republican Party is now 28 percent of the electorate or something. He’s got a third of 28 percent. He’s got—what, 8 or 9 percent of the electorate? I don’t think he’s going to get much more, frankly. That doesn’t get you into the White House.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/09/reagan-sons-interview-donald-trump-213149

Former 'Air America' host Ronald Reagan Jr. sure isn't following in his father's footsteps. Reading this interview, I pictured Trump without the combover, looking like Mr. Burns of 'The Simpsons".
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 16 Sep, 2015 07:14 am
The Rude Pundit - Government Shutdown: These Crazy Bastards Might Do It Again

The cries of "What about the babeeeez?" get louder and louder as the delusional dogs of the right and their opportunistic fleas demand that no more government tax dollars go to Planned Parenthood. Even as the fake organization that set up a fake sting to get fake videos to fake a scandal release yet another bullshit tape that purports to show skeevy activity, motherfuckin' true believers are takin' it to the motherfuckin' wall. Government shutdown, bitches, rather than give tax money to an organization that spends even a red cent on making baby jerky or whatever it is they're accused of.

In fact, if you don't support defunding Planned Parenthood, you are one of those no-good assholes who "care more about facilitating the harvesting of baby body parts than they do about the lives of those children and the conscience objections of the citizens they serve," says Rep. Kevin McCarthy of California and the Majority Leader in the House. McCarthy, it should be noted, voted several times against expanding the Children's Health Insurance Program so it could cover more kids. So maybe he should just calm the **** down over who cares about the kiddies.

You know who won't calm the **** down, even if you use a cattle prod and an elephant tranq gun? Erick "Erick" Erickson of the conservative baby wipe known as RedState. For Erickson, if you believe that aborted fetuses should be used for research in medical science, you're worse than an asshole. Oh, much, much worse: "This is a fight on principle over whether the Republican Party should stand by and let our tax dollars be used to subsidize the American Mengeles of Planned Parenthood or not. This is a fight about whether our tax dollars should be used to subsidize harvesting children’s brains and hearts and lungs and livers." Now, it might seem that American Mengele would be the worst reality competition show ever, but Erickson really believes that fetal tissue research with dead fetuses is the same as torturing live children to death.

Remember: almost all abortions are done before the second trimester. Almost no abortions are done in the third. We're not talking about stone-cold killing a ten year-old here.

But this is where the nutzoid wing of the conservative wing of the Republican Party is declaring, "You shall not pass." And with rational statements like "Children in the United States of America are being cut up and sold for scrap," you can bet that the debate is going to be as dignified as we've come to expect from the GOP.

One GOP "moderate" in Congress is offering a deal to try to head off the shutdown, saying, "Hey, let's just defund those few Planned Parenthoods that actually do provide fetal tissue to researchers." It's a measure of how degraded our politics has become that "moderate Republican" now means, "Wants to keep the government running." And this is putting the leadership in Congress, McConnell and Boehner, on a collision course with the ******* loons, like Ted Cruz, who needs to do something other than be a lamprey on Trump's ass in order to get attention to his presidential campaign.

It's like we're dealing with mad bombers, the kind who you think you can bargain with but who click the switch no matter how reasonable you think you sound.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Sep, 2015 10:15 am
You proved nothing but your ability to spell the word lie.
Reply Wed 16 Sep, 2015 12:49 pm
0 Replies

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