Quote:Yea, crazy liberals can buy guns too, and your point is?
You the media and your leftist buddies have neglected to mention anything about the Dayton shooter or his affiliations, nor who he supported. That always seems to get dropped in such coverage of mass shootings.
Quote:Republicans made money off the deaths of these people.
Drop the bombastic rhetoric, the only people making money off of their deaths are the news stations and the DNC politicians.
Quote:Your reckless view of the second amendment does not seem so sweet when liberals are the ones with guns does it?
My views on the 2nd Amendment are not reckless, they are Constitutional. Liberals can own as many guns as they want, it doesn't bother me that they own them. The left and media shouldn't overlook when one of their own goes sideways.
Quote:Your crazy republican hee haws are not the only ones who can pull a trigger...
That was the entire point of my post, this is happening on both sides of the aisle.
Quote:Limiting gun sales would have prevented this but it would have also cut into the profiteering of the your beloved NRA...
More rhetoric, the NRA doesn't make money when someone buys a gun. You continue to prove you have no idea how gun sales work or the regulations covering them.
Quote:So you stand with the shooters "rights"?
I stand for Americans right to self-defense. This false analogy you are painting does nothing for your "cause".
Quote:What a pathetic waste of life you are.
If your opinion mattered, my feelings might be hurt. Instead you have shown me what a little man you really are. I find it pathetic that you want to leave people to be killed by these people. I'd rather they be armed to stop the shooter, you want them sitting like fish in a barrel. None of your idea's other then full gun confiscation would work to quell the violence.