Republicans had control of the house and senate when Obama was in office.
Obama drew up the bill to help Flint and the republicans obstructed it.
Your racism goes nowhere here...
This is why Americans took control of the house away from republicans and this is also why Americans will give the senate to democrats and vote Trump from office.
Republican are crooked and not good for America.
What did Trump do for Puerto Rico, NOTHING! He blocked aid and stood idly by while Americans died in great numbers then lied about the tragedy! Do you think he cares about water for Black people in Flint? Your Trump is a racist ripping babies from the arms of brown skinned parents. And you expect us to believe Trump cares about Flint?
Trump and the republicans will have a lot to answer for once law and order are restored to our country.
Oralloy, you are a racist liar.
You spread lies about Obama out of hatred and fear of black people. You are a worthless person like your Trump.
In fact you owe society a debt for the damage your party has done, blood on your hands, like Trump who also owes the banks and most of the people he has slighted. That is less than worthless... That is the very definition of criminal.
You forget that racist republicans caused the Flint water crisis in the first place...