Norway Offers Trump Campaign Dirt On Pete Buttigieg: “He May Be Gay”
After inviting foreign help for his 2020 campaign, Scandinavian nation also tells president that Sanders might be a socialist
After telling ABC News on Wednesday that he would gladly accept opponent information from a foreign country, especially from Norway, the Scandinavian nation offered President Trump some top secret intel on several of his rivals.
“I love foreign dirt, it’s great, I can’t wait for more,” Trump tells Stephanopoulos. (Credit:
According to an insider in the Trump 2020 campaign “the Norwegians called us to say that Pete Buttigieg might be gay. They also provided evidence that he might have had sex with gnomes in 2008. That is good dirt as we take on the Indiana mayor.”
According to the same anonymous White House source, Norway also offered the president intelligence on Bernie Sanders suggesting that the senator might be a socialist. “Imagine that, a socialist — we can bury Bernie with that!”
Madagascar’s foreign intelligence agency, in response to the president’s invitation, also called Trump’s campaign headquarters on Wednesday night with useful information about Elizabeth Warren.
ABC News’s George Stephanopoulos trying not to laugh as President Trump pretty much admits to a willingness to commit treason. (Credit:
“According to Madagascar, Warren is able to hear a herd of buffalo coming from miles away because she’s one-fifth Native American,” said the White House insider. “She’s got really good hearing, so we have to be careful talking around her. That’s the A-1 kind of intel we love.”
Uruguay’s secret intelligence service also contacted the White House late Wednesday night with a big reveal about Democratic front runner Joe Biden. The source close to the Oval Office said, “This is little known, but according to Uruguay this guy Biden uses CBD oil. He’s hooked. Spreads it all over his body at night — gets totally high from it. That’s bad. It’s illegal. Biden’s done!”
According to the White House, more foreign nations are lining up to help the Trump campaign with discrediting information about Democrat opponents in exchange for “missiles, fighter jets, soy beans, construction equipment, and big wads of cash.”
ABC is looking forward to a future Pulitzer Prize for the Stephanopoulos interview.