Are Calls For Impeachment Being Replaced With ‘Lock Him Up?’
all jailable offences.
Same for many republicans, we all know they took money from Russia on their trips there.
In time these offences will be brought to light, someone will snitch to save their own skin and senators all the way back to Paul Ryan will be asked to respond to these serious charges...
These republicans are all criminals and crooks, without honor and without conscience... rather than take the moral high ground they sold themselves out to save a corrupt and disgraceful political party from extinction. In the end it will not save them or their party. Justice and the rule of law will be served and all that Trump has done including stacking the courts will be void and undone... Trump had no legitimate claim to the office in the first place.
Voters purged, disenfranchised and threatened
and an electorate that has been all out lied to
by corrupt and evil foreign powers.
This is what it takes to get a republican president in office and to prop up shoddy religious scoundrels?